24 Uplifting Ways to Reach Out and Encourage a Friend
Sometimes we all just need someone to reach out and let us know they care. Here are 24 practical and uplifting ways to encourage a friend and let her know how much she means to you!
It was a beautiful Saturday morning, but I was feeling down in the dumps. I think we all get there sometimes. There’s not anything really wrong, we’re just facing a tough time emotionally or mentally. It’s not the end of the world, but it kind of feels that way in your soul.

I did a grocery pickup at Walmart that morning and then headed to one of my favorite places to go when I’m feeling glum. Dunkin Donuts. I was somewhere in my own mind feeling sorry for myself and didn’t even notice that a friend from my church was in front of me in the drive-thru line.
When I pulled up to the window, the cashier informed me the car in front of me had paid for my order. The total of my order was under $4. But that didn’t matter. The fact that she took the time to do something kid for me totally turned my day around.
We don’t know when a person we love is struggling with something hard. Taking the time to reach out on a bad day can make all the difference for someone, even if it requires us to step a little outside of our comfort zone.
Encouraging a friend is always a good idea, but it’s more than that. It’s something God wants us to do.
Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2

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Encouraging a Friend Honors God
Our world is often ugly, and people can be cruel. But God has called you and me to be shining lights in the world, to share the beauty and joy of the Lord.
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Philippians 2:15
As children of God let’s determine to “let my little light shine” so that we can draw people to our Heavenly Father. You never know when He wants to use your simple words to bless someone else–so always be ready!
How to Support and Encourage a Friend Facing Hard Times
Little things you do for someone else might end up being great things to them. You may not know the private battle they’re facing or what kind of dark place they are in. That’s why when you feel led to encourage someone, you should do it.
Be kind, for everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Ian Maclaren
God can use ordinary people like me and you to encourage someone. The most important thing is just to be there. Sometimes just knowing they have support and someone to love them is enough.
What Are Some Encouraging Words?
Encouraging a friend isn’t just about the words you say. Sometimes we just need to feel seen. In some cases, it’s helpful just to know someone is there, and that they care.
Our friends don’t usually tell us when they feel discouraged. Honestly, I don’t generally tell my friends when I’m feeling down.
Something simple like, “Hey, I’m thinking of you today!” can really mean a lot to someone who is feeling lonely or discouraged.
Some other things to say might be:
- I’m here if you want to talk.
- I’m praying for you.
- How did it go?
- Thinking of you today.
- Hope you have a great day!
- I know that’s hard.
- What can I do to help?
- Thank you for being such a great friend.

24 Uplifting Ways to Encourage a Friend
There are so many ways to reach out to a friend. Whether they’re facing a difficult time, or just having a bad day, a kind word or deed from a friend can make all the difference.
Listen with your undivided attention.
When someone we love is facing a hard time, we sometimes want to reach out and solve their problem. We want to jump it with, “If I were you, I would…” But that is never the answer. Someone who is feeling down probably doesn’t want advice. Sometimes they just need someone to listen to their problem.
Share positive affirmations from God’s Word.
The Bible tells us that God is near those who have broken hearts and He offers peace in difficult times. Sometimes sharing an encouraging Bible verse is just what a friend needs to hear. God’s Word is powerful and can offer hope when life seems hopeless.
Related: 10 Encouraging Bible Verses About Hope in Hard Times
Send a text message.
It seems so simple, but modern technology has given us an easy way to connect with others. When you can’t see someone face-to-face, sending a quick text is a great way to offer encouragement.
If you’ve ever had a situation where you were in a hospital or at the doctor, you may not be able to talk on the phone, or even see someone in person, you know the importance of connecting through texting. God has a way of sending the right words of encouragement at exactly the right time. And sometimes a text message has just the right timing.
Celebrate her successes and milestones.
Everyone needs to feel like they are seen and valued. A dear friend will take the time to recognize and celebrate the successes of a friend, no matter how small they might be. I’m not talking about heaping flattery. But being willing to say, “You did a great job!”
Sometimes as moms, we start to feel like our work doesn’t matter much. We need a friend to reach out with comforting words, reminding us that we are doing important work for God.
Offer a genuine compliment.
The Bible tells us we should give “honor to whom honor is due.” When someone does something good, tell them! You may have a friend who is an amazing person, but she doesn’t realize it because no one ever tells her. You can be the one to remind her that she is marvelous in God’s eyes.
Give a homemade gift.
Have you ever bought a loaf of bread and given it to a friend as a gift? Probably not, because that’s a strange gift. But if you’ve ever baked a loaf of banana bread or cinnamon bread, you know it’s a wonderful gift that anyone would love to receive. The amount of money spent on a gift is not the most important thing in life. A gift that comes from the heart can be better than something expensive when it’s given with love.
Send a note.
Technology is a wonderful thing, and sometimes sending motivational messages can help us connect. But nothing quite matches the feeling of opening your mailbox and taking out a card or handwritten note. Surprise a friend by writing a message of encouragement. Even if you don’t mail it, and hand-deliver it instead, it’s a great way to offer encouragement.
Offer help on a project or task.
If you know a friend is facing an overwhelming task, offer to help her with it. It may be something practical like helping her pack for a move. Or even watching her children when you know she’s facing difficult situations. As her friend, you know her best and can offer help in whatever way she needs.

Invite her for a fun activity or outing.
Sometimes the most important thing we can offer a friend is quality time. Busy moms often don’t take the time to spend time with friends. Invite a friend to do something fun, with or without her kids.
This can be hard if you’re an introvert like me and would rather be alone than with other people! But all of us need companionship from time to time. Spending one-on-one time with a friend can be a great way of offering support to someone else, while encouraging your own heart, too.
Cook a meal for her family.
When you’re faced with a difficult situation in life, even something as simple as cooking dinner can be overwhelming. If you have a friend who’s struggling, tell her not to worry about dinner–you’ve got it covered. You have no idea how much of a blessing that can be for a busy, overwhelmed mama.
Show your support.
Nothing says “I care about you” more than just showing up for someone. Maybe you can visit a sick friend in the hospital, even attend the funeral of a loved one. Those things aren’t exactly pleasant, but they do show your love and support for someone who’s hurting.
Or, you may have a friend who sings, plays an instrument, or runs marathons. Show up for her and cheer her on at every opportunity.
Give a small gift to show you care.
Encouraging a friend doesn’t have anything to do with how much money you spend. A small gift that’s given from the heart means a lot more than you may realize. Even something as simple as a gift card for her favorite coffee shop can make someone’s day!
Share a funny meme or video.
Never underestimate the power of laughter for encouraging someone who is feeling down! The old saying, “Laughter is the best medicine” is true in so many ways. Even the Bible says “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” (Proverbs 17:22) Making someone smile with funny stories or videos is a great way to lift their spirits.
Give her a hug.
Science tells us that hugging is a powerful way to reduce stress. And we all crave human connection and personal touch. If a friend is facing a hard time, or just having a bad day, getting a hug from someone can make her feel better almost instantly.
Remind her who she is.
Often we become discouraged because Satan wars against our minds with lies until we forget that we are daughters of a King! Sometimes the best way to encourage a good friend is to remind her how much God loves her, that she is special to Him, and special to you, too.
Encourage her to take a break.
In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everything we have going on. Whether it’s work, school, or personal commitments, we often find ourselves pushing through exhaustion in an effort to stay on top of everything.
If you see a friend who is struggling, encourage her to set aside some time for herself–even if that means you provide some free childcare while she does it!
Related: 34 Ways to Practice Self-Care for Stay-at-Home Moms (in 10 minutes or less!)

Learn something new together.
When a friend is going through a tough time, it can be difficult to know the best way to support them. One way to encourage them is by learning something new together. Whether it’s taking a cooking class, learning a new language, or trying a new hobby, learning together can create a bond that will help both of you through a challenging time. Even if it’s not a hobby you take up forever, the important thing is being together and supporting one another.
Make a simple phone call.
Sometimes when you’re facing a bad day, just hearing someone’s voice offering comfort and hope can make all the difference. Next time you know a friend is struggling (or even if you don’t know, and just want to let her know you’re thinking of her) pick up the phone and give her a quick call. Sure, phone calls are a bit out of vogue in the age of texting and social media. But it’s still a great way to make a day better.
Remind her that brighter days are ahead.
Having a bad day or even a bad period doesn’t mean you have a bad life. Life is full of seasons and they come and go. Good times will come around again, and sometimes we just need to remind a friend that amazing things will happen again. Sometimes you just have to get over the mountain to see the good again.
Recommend a book that has inspired you.
As an avid book reader, nothing makes me happier than when someone recommends a book to me–unless it’s recommending one to them! Words are powerful and reading positive things has a way of lifting our spirits. If you know a friend is facing a difficult situation, recommend a book that helped you when you were struggling.
Even better, buy the book and have it shipped directly to her as a surprise gift!
Related: Best Inspirational Books for Moms
Be patient and understanding.
Good friends just want to jump into the middle of every difficulty and fix it. But that’s not always the answer. But someone who is feeling discouraged doesn’t always need someone to jump in and offer advice. And they definitely don’t need a friend who gets impatient and critical. Show your support for a friend by simply being someone she can turn to when she needs it.
Express your gratitude for her friendship.
Many of us act confident and brave, but underneath the bluster, we’re really wondering, “Do they really like me?” If you have a wonderful friend in your life, take an opportunity to tell her how much you appreciate her.
Having Christian friends you can trust and depend on is an invaluable part of life, and we should always be grateful for true friendship!
Just be there.
Several years ago a good friend of mine went through an ugly divorce. The first time she had to take her kids to their dad’s house and leave them there was such a painful experience for her. When I saw her afterward, she didn’t need me to say anything happy or cheerful. She just needed someone to be there with her.
Sometimes, that’s what friendship is. It’s just being there when someone needs you. When a friend is in need of encouragement, flowery words aren’t always the answer. Sometimes your presence is enough.
Pray for her continually.
Nothing can make more of a difference in someone’s life than having a friend who prays for them. You may never know how your prayers gave strength or encouragement, but God knows. At the end of the day, He is always faithful. He will use your prayers to help someone facing bad times, even if they don’t know you’re praying.
Don’t give up! Sometimes friendships end and friends walk away from us. It’s hard when someone we love chooses not to be a part of our lives. But a person can never stop you from praying for them, so you should never quit. God has the power to restore friendships when we continually take them to Him in prayer.
Related: How to Pray More with a Simple Written Prayer List (+printable template)

19 Encouraging Quotes and Verses for Friends
Whether you’re reaching out in a text, sending a card or making a post on social media, sometimes you need just the right quote or Bible verse to encourage a friend. Here are ## quotes and Bible verses that are inspiring and remind you that good things will happen again!
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, Philippians 1:3-4
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17
“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson
“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln
“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – Jimmy Dean
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Put It Into Practice
These 24 ways to encourage a friend all sound so simple and easy in this blog post. But they won’t do you or your friends any good if you don’t put them into practice. Take an opportunity today–dare I say right now, and reach out to someone.
Just like my sweet friend who paid for my Dunkin Donuts order, you may not know that a person is struggling or having a bad day. But taking the time to do something kind is never out of place. Here are 3 quick ideas for encouraging a friend right now:
- Send your best friend a text that tells her how much her friendship means to you.
- Choose one of the above quotes or Bible verses and post it on social media. You never know who it might inspire and encourage!
- Stop what you’re doing right now and pray for someone you know is going through a tough time. You may choose to text and let her know you’re thinking of her and praying for her–or you may not. Either way, know that God hears your prayer and can encourage your friend in a way you can’t.
See? Three super-simple things you can do in under five minutes. But all of them have the power to influence someone’s life in a positive way. Use these simple ideas to encourage a friend the next time you have an opportunity and see what God can do through one small act of kindness.
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Thank you for this! I know how much of a blessing it is for me when someone encourages me, and I want to the the same. This was a timely reminder😊.
You’re welcome! It always a blessing to me, too, and I hope to pass it on to others.