34 Ways to Practice Self-Care for Stay-at-Home Moms (in 10 minutes or less!)
Being a stay-at-home mom is one of my greatest blessings, and I consider myself so fortunate to be able to be home with my kids. But that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle sometimes with feeling overwhelmed, inadequate, and downright lonely. That’s why I know that self-care for stay-at-home moms is vital to my well-being and that of my family.

Our modern world puts a lot of emphasis on taking care of yourself first. That just isn’t possible when you’re a stay-at-home mom. While taking a day off might sound dreamy–it really is just a dream. Knowing you need self-care and actually knowing how to do it are two different things.
Is Self-Care for Moms Selfish?
God created women with the ability and desire to nurture. But our enemy, Satan, can take that desire and twist it to make us think we have to be “on” at all times–meeting the needs of everyone around us even if it means pushing ourselves past what we are physically or mentally able to do.
But taking care of yourself is vital for being a good mom. When I’m not rested, not drinking water, and not giving myself opportunities to enjoy my family, I’m a pretty miserable mama!
Taking care of yourself is not selfish! You need to be healthy–mentally, physically, and spiritually–in order to serve your family. When you put too much on yourself and are tired and burnt out, you cannot be what you need to be for God or your family.
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34 Self-Care Ideas for Stay-at-Home Moms
You don’t need me to tell you that self-care for stay-at-home moms is important. In fact, it might be the only thing that keeps you from losing your mind!
Busy stay-at-home moms need self-care ideas that we can do at home, don’t take a lot of time and won’t prevent us from jumping in to stop the lastest brawl over a Hot Wheels car.
Here are 34 easy self-care ideas for busy moms. These ideas are meant to be fast–to fit in those little pockets of time we sometimes manage to find in our days. Choose something from this list, and feel your stress slowly ease away.
Listen to Scripture.
Self-care for stay-at-home moms starts on the inside. When your heart is in turmoil, your mind is running wild and your children have taken up residence on your very last nerve, God’s Word can help.
There are several ways you can listen to Scripture, but Dwell is my favorite. Soothing voices read Bible passages while soft, worshipful music plays in the background. It has such a calming effect, you may find yourself playing it aloud for your whole family!
Read a book.
If you’re an avid reader, you’ve probably realized you have a lot less time to read than you did before you had kids! Keep a book handy and grab it when you have a free minute or two.

Take a walk.
Sometimes all you need is some fresh air. Taking a walk is great for the whole family, and my boys and I often go outside together in the afternoons for a walk.
If you absolutely must be away from your kids (I’ve been there!) you can walk up and down your driveway, in a circle around your house, or bath and forth on the road where you can see your house. A few minutes outside can often be the trick that clears your mind.
Watch the sunset or sunrise.
There’s nothing quite as beautiful as a sunrise or sunset. I am not a morning person, so sunrises aren’t really for me! But I love when I’m able to catch a glimpse of a beautiful sunset.
You can use a weather app to know the exact time of day the sun will rise or set so you can make a plan to see it. These beautiful moments are great for releasing your worry and stress.
Enjoy a cup of tea on your own.
Nothing is quite as comforting as a cup of hot tea! I never understood the true joys of tea until I tried this one. It’s so delicious and helps fight sugar cravings.
Make it a little extra special by brewing it in a pretty teapot. (This one is similar to mine.) Pouring it out of a teapot into a favorite cup makes your day automatically better.
Do a brain dump.
Do you ever feel like your head is going to explode with all the stuff you’ve got crammed into it? You need to do a massive brain dump.
You might need to write a long list, or it might involve writing in a journal. Set a timer for 10 minutes, and just get it all down. Once you’re done, you might find focusing is much easier.
Take a bubble bath.
What is it about taking a bubble bath that’s so relaxing? There are so many ways to make a simple bath special. Light a candle, play some relaxing music, and toss a bath bomb into the water. You’ll feel better in no time.
Listen to your favorite music.
Make a playlist on your phone of “feel good” music. Choose bright, cheery songs to lift your spirits, or soothing, relaxing songs to help you wind down.
Music has such a great effect on our spirits and can be the ultimate source of mom self-care.
Try a new skincare routine.
Having a fresh, clean face makes me feel so relaxed! Add a little extra ooomph to your skincare by using an exfoliating scrub, face mask, or a new moisturizer. Just a little extra effort will make you feel like a whole new mom!
Find a 10-minute exercise video on YouTube.
Sometimes just a few minutes of exercise can change your outlook on the day. There are many fast options available for beginners to experts. Something like a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout is a great option.

Play a game on your phone.
Did you play Oregon Trail as a child? Or maybe Mario Kart or Frogger? All of those games are available to play on your phone!
It’s easy to get wrapped up in playing a game and forget your responsibilities, so it’s important to set yourself a limit and stop when it’s done. But even just a few minutes can lift your spirits and make you feel a kid again.
Call your best friend or mom and just talk.
As an introvert, I don’t usually want to actually see people. But a bit of girl talk is sometimes just what the doctor ordered! Call your mom or a good gal pal and let everything out! You will feel so relieved afterward.
Declutter something.
You may not realize just how much clutter distracts from the things that really matter. Even if you don’t have time for a whole room or even a closet, you may have time to do one drawer or cabinet. Every little bit helps, and you’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel.
Try an adult coloring book.
Coloring is so relaxing, and you don’t have to keep “borrowing” your kids’ crayons and coloring books anymore! You can do this activity with your kids, and let them color, too. Coloring is a form of art therapy that helps you release your emotions.
Make a fancy coffee.
My morning cup of joe is generally just coffee with cream that gurgles out of my machine while I try to get my bleary eyes to focus. But sometimes later in the day, it’s fun to make myself a fancy cup.
It’s really easy to make a yummy treat with some flavored coffee syrup, or even fancy ice cream syrup. Maybe you can take a few minutes to sit and enjoy it. If not, put it in a cute lidded tumbler and enjoy it sip by sip.
Do something kind for someone.
Sometimes when you’re feeling down, serving others can lift your spirits. When you serve someone, you feel lighter.
Maybe you can do something special for your children, or for your husband. Or, think of a friend who might be going through a hard time. You’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel when you make someone else feel good!
Go for a run.
If you’ve never tried running, I highly recommend it! Use an app on your phone to help you slowly build up a running routine.
The adrenaline you get from running will actually give you energy instead of making you more tired.
Buy a plant, or plant a garden.
Many people find gardening to be relaxing. If you’re not one of those people, try a potted plant! There are many varieties to try.
If you don’t have a green thumb (like yours truly!) succulents are pretty low-key and don’t require a lot of work. But having a little garden or houseplant can make you happier, not to mention its therapeutic.
Give yourself a manicure or pedicure.
If you can splurge on a mani or pedi at a salon, go for it. But if not, give yourself one at home. This is my favorite polish, and I get stunning results almost every time.
There are so many different colors to choose from, and they cost a fraction of going to a salon.
Splurge and get a mani or pedi. You can also do your own at home if you prefer. When you look good, you will feel good too!
Go out in the sun.
Sometimes a lack of Vitamin-D can cause sadness, even in summer. Take a few minutes to go outside and enjoy the warmth of the sun even for a few minutes.
Even if the weather is chilly, spending some time outside can lift your spirits.
Take a power nap.
What are the signs that kids are ready for a nap? They get whiny, frustrated, obnoxious, and disobedient. Are we really any different as adults?
Sometimes you just need to take a quick nap. You might be able to lay down in your bed and snuggle with your blankets and pillows, or just rest on your couch. However you manage it, a nap can change your day!

Eat something you’ve been craving.
How often do we as “responsible” adults deny ourselves something we’re craving? While that’s necessary and good for you sometimes, every now and then you just need to let yourself enjoy something you love.
Take your time to really savor each bite and make it an experience instead of a snack.
Listen to an audiobook.
Audiobooks are so much better than they used to be–and you can get pretty much any book in audio. Of course you can listen in earbuds (these are my faves), or listen after your kids go to bed.
A couple of years ago my husband and I listened to a popular audiobook together, and we really enjoyed it! Even if your hubby isn’t a book lover, I bet you can find something you’ll both enjoy.
Meditate on God’s promises to you.
The Bible is full of beautiful promises to Christian women. Take some time to read encouraging Bible verses for moms and know that God is with you and loves you.
The more you fill your mind with God’s Word, the more you’ll learn to believe the things He says to you and about you.
Write down plans and dreams for your life.
When you’re a mom, days can be mundane, and it’s easy to lose focus. Taking an opportunity to write down some plans and dreams can help you regain focus on where you’re going.
Each of us has different goals for ourselves, but it’s important to know where we’re going. You’ll feel pumped up when you take the time to plan out your dreams and ambitions.
Snuggle with one of your kids.
The truth is, even when your kids are driving you up the wall you love them more than anything. Take a few minutes to just be with your kids.
My favorite time for snuggling is in the morning when they wake up, or right before bed. This should be a time when you’re just being together. Maybe you read together, make each other giggle, or just talk. The key is remembering that you won’t always have these special moments, so make the most of them now!
Try a new hobby.
There are so many fun hobbies you can try without spending a lot of money! It can be something simple that you do at home, or something you do with friends.
Here are few fun hobby ideas:
- hand lettering
- sewing
- cross stitch
- kickball
- tennis
- paper crafts
- painting
You don’t have to sign on long-term right off. Just try something new. Even if you don’t like the hobby, at least you can gain confidence in trying something new. And you just might find something that becomes your new favorite hobby and allows you to practice self-care for stay-at-home moms for a long time.
Take yourself on a date.
Treat yourself to something fun you would typically do with someone else. Go shopping (groceries don’t count!), get a coffee, and actually sit in a shop and drink it or go to a festival or farmer’s market.
Scroll social media guilt-free.
Do you ever get lost mindlessly scrolling on social media? Most of us do! It’s not healthy when we use it as an escape mechanism. But, allowing yourself a few minutes to just scroll and enjoy our favorite accounts and catch up with friends can be relaxing.
But it’s important to make sure you set a timer and stop when it goes off!
Listen to a podcast.
Podcasts are so much fun, and you really can find one on just about any topic! I like to listen while I’m taking a walk in the evening, doing work on my computer, or cleaning the house. The secret is to use earbuds so you can still be present for your kids as needed.

Write in a gratitude journal.
It’s easy to get caught up in an attitude of discontentment as a stay-at-home mom. We love our lives, but also long for something more. Writing in a gratitude journal can make all the difference, and help us realize just how blessed we are!
If practicing gratitude is new to you, try a 30-day gratitude challenge to help you make it a habit!
Try a fun Pinterest craft.
There’s no shortage of the number of crafts you can make! Do a quick Pinterest search and you’ll never run out of ideas. Try something new, and even if it doesn’t turn out perfect, you can take pride in what you made.
Take a drive–alone.
Driving can be so relaxing for many moms, especially if no one else is in the car with you! Don’t plan where you are headed. Simply drive and make random turns until you find someplace cool or need to head back home.
Listen to your favorite music without interruption, or just enjoy the silence. And if you happen to end up in your local coffee shop’s drive-thru, it was meant to be.
Buy yourself some flowers.
I’ve always said I’m not the flower type. But the truth is, having some on my counter always makes me smile. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on flowers. Most grocery stores sell bouquets for $5-$10.
They may not be the fanciest, but they’re beautiful and add a bright spot to your kitchen counter. If you take care of them, they’ll often last for more than a week!
Take time to practice self-care for stay-at-home moms.
Self-care for moms doesn’t have to be hard, expensive, or take a long time–none of those things are even possible when you have kids nearby!
The most important part of practicing self-care is that it strengthens you mentally, gives you peace of mind, and restores some balance in your life.
Keep this list handy, and when you have a pocket of time (and that’s pretty much all we have!) bring it out and practice some simple self-care. You can do this!
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