
30 Days to a Thankful Heart: Gratitude Challenge + Prompts for Moms

When you’re a busy mom, it’s easy to get caught up in a busy life and forget to be thankful. But this November (or any month) it’s important to practice gratitude. Use these gratitude prompts to help you have a gratitude challenge for your family.

30 Day gratitude challenge and gratitude prompts

It is possible to cultivate gratitude, by choosing one small thing each day to be thankful for. That’s why I made the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge.

What Is The 30 Day Gratitude Challenge?

I think most of us would consider ourselves to be grateful. But do we really take the time every day to express our gratitude to God?

During the 30 Day Gratitude challenge, I encourage you to take the time to notice even the little things, and express thankfulness for them.

This means taking time to be thankful to God for His blessings. But it also includes expressing gratitude to others who have helped us or encouraged us.

How To Express Gratitude Daily

Sometimes we think that gratitude doesn’t really matter if it isn’t offered for a grand gesture. Sure, you may at times have an opportunity to be thankful for the gift of $1,000. But probably not often.

But how often do you have an opportunity to say, “Thank you,” for simple things? You can thank your husband when he takes out the trash. Or send a quick text telling a friend how much you appreciate her always being there for you.

The same applies to our relationship with God. Think of how wonderful you feel when someone shows appreciation to you. In the same way, our Heavenly Father enjoys it when we take the time to thank Him for blessings.

woman writing in gratitude journal

Make Gratitude a Habit

Just like any new habit that you want to build, it takes time to practice gratitude every day.

The 30 Day Gratitude Challenge can help you start to develop that habit. It gives you an opportunity to consciously express thankfulness every day.

What Are You Thankful For Prompts

Once you have a true gratitude habit, you’ll find yourself naturally expressing thankfulness for little things.

But while you’re working on that habit, it’s nice to have a prompt to remind you every day. I created this list of 30 Daily Gratitude Prompts. It’s perfect for busy moms, but I also wanted it to be useful for whole families.

As Christian mamas we want to train our children up to be thankful. These prompts are simple, but that’s just what we want. Sometimes you just need to take a minute to be thankful for the weather, or your favorite food.

You can use these prompts to start dinner conversations, or as part of a family devotion time.

Being An Example of Gratitude

One of my favorite sayings from my childhood is “better caught than taught. It’s just a mountain way of saying that our kids learn more from what we do than what we say.

The best way to teach our children to be grateful, is for them to see gratitude displayed every day in our own lives. Let your kids hear you say thank you, or show thanks to people every day.

Teach your kids to say thank you to daddy for working hard, thank you to teachers for helping them every day, and even cashiers and waitstaff. When they see you showing gratitude, they will naturally learn to show it, too.

But, also, teach them to be grateful to God. It’s very important to let your kids see you pray. Let them see your faith, and know that it’s real.

30 Gratitude Prompts for Moms

It’s the little things in life that mean the most. Use these 30 gratitude prompts to challenge yourself to be thankful for one small thing each day. Over time, your little gratitude habit will add up to a brand-new lifestyle of contentment and joy!

  1. a heartwarming moment with my child
  2. a person in my life who loves and supports me
  3. something that made me smile recently
  4. a fond memory that brings me joy
  5. a beautiful sight I’ve seen recently
  6. an everyday object that makes my life easier
  7. a challenge I faced that helped me grow
  8. a special tradition with my family that I love
  9. an act of kindness my child did that made me proud
  10. a book or story that means a lot to me
  11. something funny my child said
  12. a role model in my life
  13. a song that makes me happy
  14. a Bible verse I love
  15. an item that brings me comfort
  16. a person who has been and encouragement to me
  17. something my child does that brightens my day
  18. an act of kindness that touched me recently
  19. a favorite place I’ve visited
  20. a moment that made me laugh out loud
  21. something I’m looking forward to
  22. a recent complement I’ve received
  23. an aspect of my health
  24. a person who has inspired me
  25. a hard thing I accomplished
  26. a food that makes me happy
  27. a memory with my child that I cherish
  28. a special prayer God answered for me
  29. something in my home that I love
  30. a moment from today that
  31. I want to remember

What Gratitude Can Do For You

Gratitude changes our attitudes and perspectives on everything. It turns what we have into enough.

When you take the time to daily practice gratitude, you’ll be amazed at how your outlook on life will change. Instead of seeing all that’s wrong (and trust me, there will always be something wrong) focus on what’s good and right in your life.

Not sure where to start? Download the 30 Gratitude Prompts!

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