10 Life-Changing Books for a Homeschool Mom’s Heart
If you’re a homeschool mom who’s overwhelmed with curriculum suggestions, longs for a solid biblical foundation for your children’s education, and isn’t sure if you are capable of this huge task this list of best books for homeschool moms is just what you need to encourage your heart and mind!
I came to my homeschooling journey in a different way than many. After being raised in a wonderful Christian school, I always assumed I’d do the same with my kids. But after my son’s second-grade year, my heart longed for something different.

After a lot of soul-searching and prayer, I jumped in with both feet. My oldest was in third grade, and my youngest was in kindergarten when we took the homeschool plunge. I ordered a structured homeschool curriculum, set up little desks, and stocked up on pencils, crayons, and paper.
By Christmas of that first year, I was ready to give up. I was frustrated because homeschooling was supposed to be fun. We were supposed to be learning and growing together. My homeschool experience didn’t match the magical pictures I saw on social media. There were many tears, a lot of frustration, and worry (on my part) that my sons would never learn.
Thankfully, I have several mom friends who are also homeschoolers. They gave me so much encouragement on my homeschool journey. One, in particular, encouraged me to take time each day to pray for my homeschool. That alone made a huge difference in our lives.
Then, I started finding great books about homeschooling that gave me the tools I needed to truly succeed and love homeschooling. Spoiler alert: my homeschool is not perfect, and there are still tears and frustration. But it’s a whole new world for us, and I’m thankful for homeschool pioneers who shared their wisdom and knowledge with moms like me.
The Top Homeschooling Books for Moms That Changed My Life
When I first started homeschooling, I approached it as “school at home.” I had no idea that the process could be different and encouraging. As someone who taught in a Christian school for five years, I thought our homeschool needed to look like my classroom.
Unfortunately, that just didn’t work for us. I needed a new approach that worked for me and my family. I want my boys to love learning and to love good books. So, my book-loving mind immediately went to work.
Over the summer between my first and second homeschool years, and my second and third, I devoured some really great books that gave me the hope and encouragement I needed.
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8 Best Books for Christian Homeschool Moms
Here is a list of my favorite homeschooling books.
It’s not comprehensive. There are literally hundreds of books out there to choose from. But this list of books is the ones I have personally read that have helped me become a better homeschooling mom and have changed our homeschooling for the better!
Homeschool Bravely by Jamie Erickson
This was the first homeschooling book I read, and it opened up a whole new world to me. Jamie Erickson gave me the courage to step outside of my curriculum box and teach my kids the things I think are important.
We were filling up our days with so many things that didn’t matter because I thought that’s what I had to do. Homeschool Bravely will give you the tools you need to trust God with your homeschool journey and lean into the instincts He gave you as a mom. I highly recommend this one if you’re just starting out, but it’s a great resource for any homeschooling mom.
Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie
A friend recommended this book to me and told me she makes it a point to read it every year. I’m making that my habit, too! At first, I thought “unshakable peace” was impossible in my homeschool since most of my days seemed to be full of stress and frustration.
But Sarah gives examples and encouragement from her own homeschool journey to show us that it really is possible. It’s not a lazy approach, but a peaceful one called scholé which means restful learning.
It was through reading Teaching from Rest that I first learned about Morning Time and the power of reading aloud to my kids. Talk about life-changing! This book is small; only 89 pages including the Bibliography and About the Author page. But it’s a vital resource that every Christian homeschooling mom needs!
Better Together by Pam Barnhill
Once I learned about Morning Time, I was ready to dive in! Pam Barnhill is the queen of mornings, and her book Better Together is packed with so much practical information, plus encouragement for bringing delight into homeschooling.
As I explored the idea behind a morning basket, the more my mind opened up to new possibilities and opportunities. Pam’s book contains book lists and ideas for your morning time, but my favorite part was the interviews with moms who use Morning Time to thrive in their homeschool.
No matter what curriculum or homeschool method you use, you can incorporate Morning Time so that your whole family can learn together. Since we incorporated Morning Time into our homeschool it has become our favorite part of the day.
This is a great book if you feel overwhelmed or discouraged and want to bring a little everyday magic to your learning!
The Unhurried Homeschooler by Durenda Wilson
Unhurried homeschooling might not be the method for everyone, but the more I read about this approach, the more intrigued I become! As a veteran homeschool mom, Durenda Wilson encourages moms to stop worrying about what their kids should be learning and focus instead on learning the things that matter.
I admit, I have sometimes reached the end of a school term or checked over my child’s review pages and felt so discouraged because they weren’t making the progress I thought they should make. But Durenda has given me the comfort of knowing that my kids will learn the things they need to know when they’re ready to learn.
I so love her encouragement that it’s okay if my kids aren’t measuring up on some standardized tests (thankfully, they’ve never taken one!) as long as I can see that they are learning and making progress in their education.
This is another super-short book, and it’s available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited at the time I’m writing this post!
Mothering by the Book by Jennifer Pepito
Mothering by the Book is not written specifically for homeschool moms, but it’s a great resource that reminds us of the power of reading aloud. And not just for our kids, but for us as moms.
Jennifer writes candidly about some of the struggles she has faced in life and motherhood, and how the words of her favorite stories brought comfort and encouragement. As it turns out, books and stories aren’t just words. Instead, they are messages of hope and joy that can influence our attitudes toward the struggles of life.
As a lifelong lover of books, I immediately resonated with Jennifer’s message and became more intentional about the books I chose to read aloud with my boys.
The Read-Aloud Family by Sarah Mackenzie
I loved, loved, loved this book from beginning to end. Reading aloud has the power to totally transform your homeschool days, but you may also wonder what are the best books to read. Sarah shares her favorite books for homeschoolers starting from preschool age all the way up to high school.
I loved her suggestions and made lists of the ones I thought sounded enjoyable for our morning time. We’ve checked them out from our local library in droves and purchased our favorite ones to keep on our shelves.
The Read-Aloud Family helped give me direction not only for the books I want to read but topics I’d like my kids to study. So far, we’ve enjoyed nearly every one we’ve read, and can’t wait for the next one.
If you want to make sure you’re reading quality books with your kids, this book will set you off on the right track.
Seasons of a Mother’s Heart by Sally Clarkson
You won’t be a part of the Christian homeschooling community for very long without hearing about Sally Clarkson. She and her husband, Clay Clarkson, are dedicated to encouraging homeschool parents. Their philosophy of training a wholehearted child and giving him or her a successful, excellent education at home has been revolutionary for so many families.
In her book Seasons of a Mother’s Heart, Sally offers the encouragement homeschooling moms need in every season. She uses stories from her own homeschool journey to remind us that God offers peace in every season and is shaping us while we are working to shape our kids.
Honey for a Child’s Heart by Gladys Hunt with Mark Hunt
I grabbed this book after Sarah Mackenzie recommended it in The Read-Aloud Family. It’s a comprehensive guide to the best books we can read aloud with our kids from ages 0-12. (There is another version of the book for kids 13+)
Gladys (the original author, who has passed away) and her son, Mark, have kept the book updated and expanded it since its original publish date in 1969. There are suggestions for books from many genres, plus tips to get kids to read and love reading. Plus, you’ll get tips for using books to help your kids grow and learn through imagination.
You’ll want to read this one with a notebook or your notes app open, so you can list all the recommendations and get reading with your kids! I’m especially excited to dig into the historical novels books with my boys this year.
The 4-Hour School Day by Durenda Wilson
The 4-Hour School Day is one of my favorite books when it comes to the actual ins and outs of a successful homeschool. When we started homeschooling, it took us all day to finish our work–and we hated it! But in this book, Durenda shows how it is possible to homeschool your kids for 4 hours a day.
I’ve read a lot of authors and bloggers who talk about interest-led learning, but Durenda actually goes in-depth and shows you how to do it. I loved the chapter about reverse engineering your child’s education. The more I read, the brighter the light bulb turned on in my head, and I’m so excited to use some of her principles in our new school year.
The Convivial Homeschool by Mystie Winckler
This is my most recent homeschool read, and the word that I keep returning to is “convicting.” It’s not a book about practical ideas for homeschooling, but instead, it’s a Christian perspective on homeschooling and a reminder of why we do it.
Every chapter gets better than the last, and I read it with a highlighter in hand. I felt like Mystie had sat in on my homeschool days and saw all of my faults and mistakes.
I’ve always wondered where my “magical” homeschool is–you know, like the ones you see on social media with kids sitting peacefully around the table and learning together. She reminds me that God gave me these children to train for His glory–they are ultimately His. I am homeschooling through my weaknesses, and I must depend on His strength.
Homeschool life isn’t always easy or fun, but it’s a calling from God, and He will equip us to do it right. I highly recommend this book for homeschooling mamas, especially if you’ve been at it for a while and are feeling discouraged.
How to Use These Best Homeschooling Books
The truth is, we are all different. We all have different educational philosophies and our goals for our kids aren’t the same. What is a good fit for my homeschool, might not be a good fit for you. And that’s okay. The best thing we can do is to keep learning and growing. Educational philosophy may change, but God’s Word and His calling to us does not.
We have chosen home education for our children’s sake, to teach them God’s Word and His will.
My favorite homeschool books might not be the same as yours or anyone else’s because our homeschools are so personal. But I encourage you to always be growing and improving. Let your kids learn from your example and grow a happy homeschool by finding your own top picks and reading them!
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