11 Prayers for Your Family to Help You Stop Worrying
From my mom heart to yours, I hope these prayers for your family will help you replace worry with prayer. Use them as your own or print and share them with your friends!
My foggy morning brain barely registered the sound of sirens in the background before my husband spoke. “Don’t kill me. I wrecked the truck.”
It was my worst nightmare coming true. While driving home after a long night shift, he had been in an accident.
My first thought wasn’t to kill him but to hope he was okay. Really okay, not yes-I-say-I’m-okay-but-I’m-really-not okay. (Like brave husbands often are.)
Thankfully, he was okay, and the truck was repairable. But I realized in those few moments just how far out of my control life is.
As a mom, I tend to think I can protect my family. As long as we follow all the rules and I keep everyone within my site, bad things won’t happen.
But in those few moments early on a Tuesday morning, our lives could’ve been changed forever.

Pray More, Worry Less
If I take the time to think about the danger my family can be in at any given moment, I will live in a constant state of fear and worry. And I know fear is not God’s will for me.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 KJV
Worry is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to be. The Bible tells us to give all our worries to God instead of dwelling on them.
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
1 Peter 5:7 KJV
Trusting God with the unknowns in life is not always easy. But it’s what He tells us to do. Even when we don’t understand His ways.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5 KJV
Praying for my family is one way I can take my worry and give it to God. It’s a way of surrendering control and trusting Him to keep them safe.
11 Prayers for Your Family
We want the best for our families. But we may not always know what is best. What should you pray for your family?
Here are eleven prayers you can pray for your family. Pray them regularly, and watch as God calms your worries and gives you His peace.
Prayer for Salvation
Nothing is more important in life than knowing that every one of our family members knows Christ. After all, if we have everything we ever want in life, but don’t receive Christ as Savior, life is nothing.
Prayer for salvation is the most important prayer we can pray. Pray for this one especially when your children are young. Pray they will see their need for Christ while they are young, and give their lives to Him.
Saving God, I pray that each member of my family would come to know You personally. Draw us close to You and reveal Yourself to us in new and wonderful ways. I pray we would all accept Your gift of salvation and live our lives for You. Amen.
Prayer for Protection
As a wife and mom, I want my family to always be safe. I can’t be with them all the time. And even if I could, I can’t always protect them.
The Lord can, though. Every day I pray that He will keep His hand of protection on my family. To keep them safe physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
Lord, I pray You would protect my family. Keep us safe from all harm and danger. Watch over us when we are near and far away. And let us always be aware of Your presence in our lives. Amen.

Prayer for Provision
Over the last few years, many of us have experienced what it means to suddenly lose the things we trusted for safety.
Some lost things like:
- jobs
- income
- health
- insurance
We had to trust God differently to provide for us–sometimes for the basic necessities. But we also learned that all of our provisions ultimately come from Him.
Even when we are living in safer times, it’s important to remember that all good and perfect gifts are from Him. And we should trust Him for what we need. (James 1:17)
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You are our provider. Thank You for meeting all our needs, both physical and spiritual. I pray You would continue to bless us with all we need to live a life of service for you. Amen.
Prayer for Strength
Life is hard. Full stop. And without the Lord, we may not know how we will make it. But He offers us His strength when we’re weak.
Pray each day for yourself, and for your family to be strong in the Lord. To be able to overcome temptation from Satan, battles in our minds, and the everyday struggles that come from being human.
Dear God, I know life is hard, and sometimes it’s more than we can handle on our own. I pray You would give us the strength to face each new day. Help us to overcome every obstacle and trial that comes our way. Amen.
Prayer for Wisdom
None of us wants to make a foolish decision. But life is full of them–and sometimes they are hard!
Thankfully, God promised us that if we need wisdom, all we have to do is ask. He will never withhold guidance from someone who truly wants it. (James 1:5)
Lord, I pray You would give us wisdom. Help us to make godly decisions in every area of our lives. And guide us as we raise our children according to Your will. Amen.
Prayer for Healing
Watching a spouse, child, or family member struggle with a sickness of any kind is heartbreaking. Often we are powerless to help them or ease their pain.
How wonderful to know that God is the Great Physician, and has the power to heal any sickness. In His will, He may choose not to provide healing here on this earth. We can still trust Him and know that His way is always best, even when we can’t see it.
When healing doesn’t come, He offers us peace and strength for the hard days we face.
Healing Father, I come to You today asking for Your healing touch. Please heal any sickness or disease in our bodies. And heal any brokenness in our hearts. Amen.
Prayer for Peace
One of Jesus’ final promises to His followers was that they would have hard times in the world. But even in the middle of tribulation and trials, we can have peace because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33)
When life is tumultuous, ask Him to give you peace. Pray for peace in our hearts and homes. Pray for peace in our nation and our world–realizing that He is the only true source of peace in life.
Peaceful God, I need Your peace today. The worry and stress of life are weighing me down. Please calm my anxious thoughts and give me a sense of Your presence and peace. Amen.
Prayer for Unity
If you’ve ever been in a situation with discord in your family, you know it’s one of the most stressful things you can experience. Prayer for peace in families is one that we should perform often.
Spend time in prayer for your family to be unified. In fact, praying together as a family is an amazing way to increase unity. The old saying, “The family that prays together, stays together,” is true.
Lord, I pray my family would be united. Bond us together with Your love and let us support and encourage each other always. Help us to put aside our differences and come together as one. Amen.
Prayer for Forgiveness
Pain in families is inevitable. Whether it’s husbands and wives, siblings, or parents and children, we hurt one another’s feelings.
The secret is to be willing to ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness from God, and from the one we have hurt. Cultivate an attitude of forgiveness in your family by making prayer for forgiveness a regular part of your life.
Merciful Father, I know we all make mistakes. Please forgive us when we sin against You and each other. Help us to forgive others as well. And cleanse our hearts from any bitterness or resentment. Amen.
Prayer for Love
Love is the foundation of all families. But when life gets busy and we get stressed, wrapped up in our day-to-day lives or frustrated at situations out of our control, we forget about love.
We should make prayer for peace in our families, and for love to grow in our hearts. To be able to demonstrate God’s love in our homes every day.
Loving God, I pray we would love each other deeply, the way You love us. Fill our hearts with Your love so that we can be patient and kind to one another. Help us to always show each other respect and grace. Amen.
Prayer for Faith
A strong family is built on faith. And we want our family’s faith to continue to grow. We should spend time daily asking God to help our family’s faith to be strong.
God commands us to trust Him, but also gives us the strength we need to actually do the trusting. What an amazing God we serve!
Faithful Father, I pray my family’s faith would grow stronger each day. Help us to trust You more and more as we walk with You through life. And use us to share the good news of Your love with others. Amen.

3 Tips to Find Time to Pray for Your Family
We know how important prayer for protection and guidance in our family is. But when you’re a busy mom, you may struggle to find the time to pray.
Here’s how:
1. Pray for your family in the morning.
I’ve found morning prayers for my family are often the most effective. If I wait until later in the day, I often get busy and forget. Make prayer a part of your morning routine so you never miss it.
2. Pray for your family with a written prayer list.
Several years ago I found myself struggling to pray as I should. I started a simple list to help me focus my prayers. Having a written prayer list helps me remember the needs I want to pray for the most.
3. Have evening prayers with your family.
Make the most of dinner or bedtime with your family and have a time of prayer. Go beyond memorized or rote prayers, and encourage your kids to pray with you. Ask them for prayer requests, and teach them that God hears all our prayers.
I’m a worrier. I worry about things that will never happen. But God wants me to trust Him instead of worrying.
Praying for my family is one of the best ways I can care for them. It’s a way to surrender my worry to God and trust Him to take care of us. Use these eleven prayers to pray for your family, and watch as God brings peace and unity into your home.
What other prayers do you like to pray for your family? Share them in the comments.
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