5 Inspiring Ways Modern Moms Can Be Like the Titus 2 Woman
The Titus 2 woman is an excellent role model for modern women. Here are five ways to copy her character traits in order to be successful!
What does it mean to be a Titus 2 woman? This is a question that many modern women are asking themselves.
I want to be an effective, courageous woman of God. But in a topsy-turvy world, I often struggle to know what that means. Thankfully, God has given us clear examples in His Word.
The most popular is probably the Proverbs 31 woman–so beautiful, loving, and efficient. Following close behind is the Titus 2 woman.
As Christian women, it is important for us to understand what God expects of us. The Titus 2 woman is a great example of how to live out your faith in a practical way.

Who Is Titus 2 Written To?
Titus is a young, single pastor. And yet, in Titus chapter two, Paul gives very specific instructions to the older women in the church.
What’s interesting is that these instructions aren’t just for those women who are gifted in homemaking or raising children. They’re for all of us–married or single, stay-at-home or working moms.
So what does God expect from His daughters? Let’s take a look at the five inspiring characteristics of the Titus 2 woman.
*All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
5 Characteristics of the Titus 2 Woman
Titus chapter two opens with a commandment to older men.
That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
Titus 2:2
Then, he goes a step further and says that older women should have these same characteristics. Women display these godly qualities differently as we serve God in our homes, and in other positions in the church.
She is a Teacher.
Not every woman is an actual teacher, but we all function as teachers every day. Titus 2:3 says a godly woman teaches good things.
This may look like teaching our children to read or do math, but it also includes teaching them how to live out their faith.
We can do this by setting a godly example and leading them in family devotions. We can teach them how to serve others and share the gospel.
As we get older, we become teachers and examples to other women. The truth is, we don’t get to choose when we turn into these examples.
A young mother may be looking to you as an example when your children are just a few years older than hers. Or, a new Christian might find your faith inspiring.
It’s vitally important for Christian women to live their faith at all times. We never know who’s looking!

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She is Not a Gossip.
Gossip is an easy sin to fall into because it doesn’t seem too bad. But God has a lot to say about gossip in the Bible.
Titus chapter two says a godly woman is not a false accuser (verse 3) and she is discreet (verse 5). She doesn’t use words to hurt others.
Gossip is a dangerous thing. It can easily tear down relationships and destroy reputations.
When we gossip, we are sinning against God and the person we’re talking about. It’s important to guard our words carefully, and only say things that will build others up (Ephesians 4:12, 29)
She is a Homemaker.
The Titus woman is to be a homemaker. Now, this doesn’t mean that she has to stay home all day and do nothing but clean her house. It means that she is to make her home a happy and safe place for her family.
Her home is her ministry, and her first priority. A Christian woman can use her home to serve God through the ministry of hospitality.
This may look different for each woman, but we all have the same goal–to make our homes a place where God is honored and loved ones can feel safe.
Related: How to Know Your True Worth as a Keeper at Home
She Loves Her Family.
The Titus woman is to love her husband and children (Titus 2:4)).
This doesn’t mean she has to agree with everything they do, but she is to show them patience and kindness. (I know, it’s much easier said than done!)
She is to teach them the things of God, and help them grow in their faith. A mother influences her children more than any other person in their lives.
No matter what else she does, a Chrisitan woman seeks to show her faith to her family. She puts her family first, and loves them unconditionally–even when it’s hard!

She Obeys Her Husband.
Obeying a man is not a popular concept in today’s world. But it’s still Biblical. To obey your husband doesn’t mean you become his slave. It means you submit to him as the head of your household (Ephesians 5).
A truly healthy marriage is a partnership. A godly wife honors her husband, and a godly husband loves his wife.
They work together to make decisions and lead their family. Each respects the other’s strengths and weaknesses.
When a woman submits to her husband, she is submitting to God. It’s not always easy. Sometimes it means having to put aside herr own wants or desires for what her husband wants.
While it’s hard, this is God’ plan for a happy marriage, and He will bless a godly wife’s efforts.
How to Be a Titus 2 Woman.
The characteristics of the Titus woman are not easy to attain. But they are possible with God’s help!
If you want to be a godly woman, ask God to help you grow in these areas. Pray for His strength and wisdom.
Also, look for opportunities to serve other women. Even though the command to teach is technically given to older women, all of us can work to help one another.
Godly women build each other up. They encourage and inspire each other to be their best.
If you have young children at home, look for ways to serve other moms with young kids. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, find ways to bless working mothers.
We all have different gifts and talents, but we can all use them to help others grow. That is ultimate goal of the Titus 2 woman–to love, give and serve those around her.
Imagine how wonderful our world would be if every one of us focused on strengthening those around us! It starts with each one of us, though. So let’s commit to being the Titus women God has called us to be!
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