The Story of David and Goliath Bible Lesson for Kids
Looking for an easy way to share the Bible story of David and Goliath? This free Sunday school lesson has everything you need to share this amazing story with your kids. Grab the children’s Bible lesson and discussion questions to present the David and Goliath story in your Bible class or children’s ministry.

David is one of the most popular characters in the Bible. We learn more about his life than just about any character. He is first introduced as a young man when the prophet Samuel anointed him to be the next king of Israel.
His flaws and mistakes are laid bare for all of us to read. His sin is not a secret, and we’ve read about his shame for thousands of years.
But the Bible also tells us that David was a man after God’s own heart. He wrote the Psalms, detailing how much he loved his God, and how heartbroken he was for his sin. David penned many chapters in Psalms where he praised the Lord and thanked Him for His goodness.
With all of the wonderful things David did, the battles he won, and the beautiful poems he wrote, he is probably the most remembered for his fight with Goliath.
This battle and his miraculous victory is one of the most amazing stories in the Bible. It has valuable lessons for adults and children.
It’s a great story to tell to younger children, while older kids can learn the lesson in more detail.
Tell your kids this story, and inspire them to follow David’s example of faith and trust in God.
Tried-and-True Tips for Teaching Bible Stories to Kids
The Bible is a powerful tool all on its own. But there are ways to make it come alive so that kids can understand and enjoy the story. Here are a few tips to help kids get the most out of the David and Goliath lesson.
Teach from an open Bible.
Even if you are using a printed lesson plan or visual aids as you teach the lesson of David and Goliath, keep your Bible open in front of you.
Let your children or students know that this story comes directly from the Bible.
Make sure kids know it is a true story.
Our kids are never without things to entertain them. In fact, movies, TV shows, and videos are available at their fingertips. I’m sure you can find picture books that include this story, too.
We want to make sure our kids know these are not just stories like those we read in books. This is a true story that really happened, and we know that because God wrote about it in His Word.
You may even be able to show them the book of Psalms, and tell them that this same boy David grew up to write many of those chapters.
Remind kids we serve the same God.
As kids learn about this epic battle between a young boy and a giant, remind them that God gave David the victory. Then, remind them that we trust the same God and He is at work in their lives every day!
Get creative!
Kids love it when a teacher/parent uses different voices and fun facial expressions while reading. You don’t have to be fancy, but make it fun!
David and Goliath Bible Lesson for Kids
The following Bible lesson is perfect for Sunday School, family Bible study or a children’s sermon for church. Read it straight from the page, or use it as a lesson outline to tell the story in your own words.
Age level: 7-12 (3rd-7th grade)
The story of David and Goliath teaches kids about:
- trusting God
- faith
- God’s power
- courage
Bible Verse: 1 Samuel 17:45–Then said David to the Philistine…I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 17
The Story of David and Goliath Sunday School Lesson
David was a young shepherd boy who cared for his father’s sheep in the land of Israel. He had seven older brothers who were bigger, stronger, and more handsome than him. But David had something they did not have.
He had strong faith in the Lord and trusted God to keep him safe. Once, a lion came to attack his sheep, and David killed it before it could hurt his little lambs.
Another time, a bear came to his pasture, and young David killed it, too. He knew that he didn’t need to be afraid when God was with him.
One day, the Philistine army came to attack God’s people. They brought with them a Philistine giant named Goliath. He was nine feet tall and wore thick, heavy armor.
Every day he came out and threatened the Israelite army. He said mean things and challenged them to send out a man who could fight them.
King Saul and all of the soldiers in his army were terrified of the giant. No one would go out to fight him. For forty days Goliath came out and shouted these threats every morning and every evening.
David Goes to the Battle
Three of David’s older brothers had gone out to fight with the army of Israel. David stayed at home to care for the sheep. David’s father, Jesse, sent David to take some food to his brothers.
When David arrived, he was surprised that no one was fighting. When Goliath came out and started to shout, some of the men in Saul’s army were so frightened, they ran away.
David asked his brothers, “What will King Saul do for the man who defeats the giant? Who is this Philistine to defy the armies of the living God?”
The men told David that if anyone could defeat the nine-foot giant, the king would give him great riches. He would also make his father’s house free and give him one of the king’s daughters to be his wife.
David’s brother was angry. He accused David of being prideful and naughty. David replied, “What have I now done? Is there not a cause?”
Someone went and told the king of Israel what David had said. King Saul brought David to stand before him.
David said, “Don’t be afraid. I will fight against this Philistine and win.”
Saul said, “You can’t fight the giant! You are only a young boy! Goliath has been a mighty warrior from the time he was young.”
But David knew that he could defeat the giant with God’s help. He told the king how wild animals had come to attack his sheep. He had killed them, and this giant would be no different.
Saul decided to let David go to fight the giant. But he insisted that David use his armor. He gave him a brass helmet and armor.
But David didn’t trust Saul’s armor, because he had never used it before. Instead, he took his shepherd’s staff and went to the brook. There, he chose five smooth stones and put them in his shepherd’s bag.
Then, he went out to fight the giant.

David Meets Goliath
When Goliath saw David coming, he laughed!
He said, “Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks?”
Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands.
1 Samuel 17:45-47
Goliath was angry then, and he began to move towards David. David started to run, reached into his bag, and pulled out one of his small stones.
He put the stone in his sling, twirled it around, and let it go. It flew through the air and hit Goliath in his forehead. He immediately fell down dead.
David ran to the giant, took Goliath’s sword, and cut off his head. When the Philistines realized that their hero was dead, They turned and ran away in fear.
The Israelite army ran after the Philistines and won the war.
Story Conclusion
All of the soldiers in Saul’s army were afraid of Goliath because he was so big and strong. Winning a battle against a giant seems impossible. But David knew that when God is on your side, size doesn’t matter. Even a small person can do great things when they put their trust in the Lord.
Story Review Questions
These questions will help kids review what they heard in the story. These questions are perfect for younger children.
- Where did David live?
- What job did David do for his father?
- How many older brothers did David have?
- Where did David’s brothers go?
- Why were all of the soldiers afraid?
- What did David want to do?
- What did King Saul give to David?
- What did David pick up to take with him?
- Goliath said, “Am I a_____?”
- What did David do to kill Goliath?
- What did the Philistines do when Goliath fell dead?
Discussion Questions
The purpose of these discussion questions is not to get kids to give a correct answer but to consider the lesson objective. You want them to learn how to apply the lessons from God’s Word to their daily lives.
These questions are best for older children and will hopefully encourage them to think about the lesson more deeply.
- What qualities did David demonstrate that helped him face Goliath with courage?
- How do you think the story of David and Goliath teaches us about trusting in God during challenging times?
- In what ways can we apply the lesson from David’s victory over Goliath to our own lives when we face difficulties or fears?
- What can we learn from the reactions of the people around David before and after his battle with Goliath?
- How do you think Goliath’s size and strength compared to David’s faith and bravery play a role in this story?
- What lessons about perseverance and determination can we take away from David’s preparation and strategy to defeat Goliath?
- Do you believe there are modern-day “Goliaths” that we might face in our lives? How can the story of David inspire us to overcome them?
- How can we see God’s hand at work in the story of David and Goliath?
- What character traits does David have that you can use in your daily life?
Download Your Free David and Goliath Sunday School Lesson
Make it super easy to present this Bible lesson to your kids in church or at home when you download the free printable. It includes the lesson, story review questions, and discussion questions.
Just enter your email address and I’ll send it straight to your inbox! All you need to do is download, print, and go!
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