Abraham (Almost) Sacrifices Isaac: Kids’ Bible Lesson
This Abraham and Isaac Sunday school lesson is the perfect way to teach kids about faith, and trust and that God always keeps His promises.
The Bible is full of incredible stories of faith and trust. But I can’t think of any Bible characters who had greater faith than Abraham.

Against all odds, Abraham trusted God’s promise to make him a father of many nations.
Years passed, then decades. Finally, he was nearly a century old. Still, he believed God.
Imagine, after all those years of waiting, for God to give Abraham the ultimate test of faith by asking him to sacrifice Isaac on an altar.
I don’t think I could have Abraham’s faith, but the story is a powerful example of trusting God in every situation.
As Christian moms and teachers, we want our kids to learn from the examples of the Word of God.
Presenting these stories to kids in a way they can understand is vital to helping them grow in their faith.
This Abraham and Isaac Sunday School lesson is perfect for kids. Since Isaac was a child, they can relate to how he might have felt.
Kids can also see how Isaac learned from his father and trusted God’s ultimate plan for his life.
Tips for Teaching the Story of Abraham and Isaac
If you want to make the most of this Abraham and Isaac Sunday School lesson, here are a few tips!
Teach from an open Bible.
Even if you are using a printed lesson or visual aids as you teach the Bible lesson of Abraham and Isaac, keep your Bible open in front of you.
Let your children or students know that this story comes directly from the Bible.
Make sure kids know it is a true story.
Our kids are never without things to entertain them. In fact, movies, TV shows, and videos are available at their fingertips.
We want to make sure our kids know these are not just stories like those we read in books or see in movies or on TV.
Abraham and Isaac were real people, and even though they faced hard things, they trusted God–and kids can too!
This is a true story that really happened!
Remind kids we serve the same God.
As kids learn the story of Abraham’s sacrifice, make a point to tell them that it was God Who sent the angel of the Lord to rescue Isaac.
Show them that God made a wonderful promise to Abraham, and He kept it.
Then, remind them that we are praying to the same God and He is at work in their lives every day!
Get creative!
Kids love it when a teacher/parent uses different voices and fun facial expressions while reading.
You don’t have to be fancy, but make it fun!
Kids also enjoy getting to participate, so you may want to pause occasionally and ask for their thoughts and opinions.
If they are involved in the lesson, they’ll learn more.

Abraham and Isaac Sunday School Lesson
The following Bible lesson is perfect for your Sunday School class, children’s church lesson, family devotions, or as a homeschooling resource!
Age level: 7-10 (2nd-5th grade)
The Story of the sacrifice of Isaac teaches kids about:
- Faith
- Trust in God
- God’s promises
Memory verse: Proverbs 3:5–Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Scripture Reference: Genesis 22:1-19
Extra activities: Have the kids sing “Father Abraham” before the lesson.
The Story of Abraham and Isaac for Sunday School
Have you ever made a promise? Did you keep it?
Has anyone ever broken a promise to you?
Most of us have probably broken a promise and had someone break on they made to us.
One thing we can always count on in life is that God always keeps His promises. We can trust Him in everything.
In today’s lesson, we embark on an extraordinary journey through the pages of the Bible to discover a story that will inspire and challenge us.
Are you ready to learn about Abraham and his son, Isaac? Let’s dive in!
This story comes from the book of Genesis in the Old Testament.
Once upon a time, in the country of Canaan, there lived a man named Abraham and his wife Sarah.
Abraham was a faithful servant of God. In fact, God’s Word says he was the friend of God.
God promised a special blessing to Abraham–that he would be the father of many nations.
This seemed impossible, because Abraham had no children, and he and Sarah were very old.
Abraham continued to trust God, and believed that He would keep His promise.
The birth of Isaac was a great miracle that happened when Abraham was one hundred years old!
That is old enough to be your great-great-grandfather!
The name Isaac means “one who laughs or rejoices” and he was Abraham’s son of promise.
Baby Isaac brought much joy to his mother and father, and God’s covenant with Abraham seemed to be complete.
Now that Abraham had been given this special child, he knew he could be the father of many nations.
But one day, God spoke to Abraham and said, “Abraham, I want you to take your beloved son, Isaac, and offer him as a sacrifice to Me.”
Trusting in God’s Plan
Can you imagine how Abraham must have felt when he heard these words? It must have been confusing and scary for him. But despite his fear, Abraham trusted in God’s plan and decided to obey Him. He knew that God was faithful and would provide a way.
Sometimes God might ask you to do things you don’t understand.
But just like Abraham, you can trust in His plan and have faith that He knows what is best for you.
The Journey to Mount Moriah
Abraham and Isaac embarked on a journey to Mount Moriah, carrying wood for the sacrifice.
Along the way, Isaac asked his father, “Father, where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
Abraham replied, “God will provide Himself a lamb.”
Abraham’s answer shows us that he had complete faith in God’s provision.
Even now, when he was facing this test of his faith, Abraham believed in God.
It’s essential for us to remember that no matter what challenges we face, God will always provide for our needs.
As Isaac followed his father, Abraham, he must have had many questions too.
But he saw Abraham’s great faith and knew that God would take care of them.
Sometimes your mom and dad may ask you to do things you don’t understand, too.
But God has given them to you to lead and guide you the right way.
The Ultimate Test of Faith
When they reached Mount Moriah, Abraham built an altar and prepared everything for the sacrifice.
Just as he was about to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, an angel appeared and stopped him.
God had seen Abraham’s faith and provided a ram caught in a nearby thicket as a substitute for Isaac.
This story teaches us that God values our trust and obedience.
He wants us to obey Him, even when we don’t understand His plan.
Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac showed his great faith, and God rewarded him for it.
We learn that God never intended for Isaac to be harmed, but rather, He wanted to test Abraham’s faith.
The testing of Abraham is a great reminder to us that God uses the hardest things we go through to draw us closer to Him!

God Kept His Promise
The story of Abraham and his son Isaac didn’t end on that mountain!
Just as God promised so many years before, Abraham became a father of many nations.
His son, Isaac had two sons named Jacob and Esau.
Jacob had twelve sons, and they grew up and had more and more sons until eventually they became a great nation–the nation of Israel.
Abraham’s faith paid off, earning him a place in the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11.
What if Abraham hadn’t trusted God? What if he hadn’t taken Isaac up to the top of the mountain?
He would have missed out on a great blessing, and the miracle of God’s promise.
You can trust God to keep His promises to you, too. Even if you don’t understand what He’s doing, He is working everything out for your good.
As we conclude this Bible lesson, remember the valuable lessons we have learned from the story of Abraham and Isaac.
We are reminded of the importance of trusting in God’s plan, having faith in His provision, and obeying even when we don’t fully understand.
Just like Abraham, we can rely on God’s guidance and be confident in His loving care for us.
In Hebrews 13:5, God said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”
We can see in the story of Abraham that God will keep His promises. The most important thing we can do is trust His plan.
He is always with you, even if you don’t understand what He is doing.
So, let’s always remember to trust God, knowing that He will lead us on incredible adventures of faith.
Remember today’s Bible verse, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).
Keep exploring and growing in your faith!
Abraham and Isaac Sunday School Lesson Questions
- Can you imagine how Abraham felt when God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac? How do you think you would have reacted if you were in Abraham’s shoes?
- Why do you think Abraham chose to trust in God’s plan, even though it seemed confusing and scary? How can we apply this trust in our own lives?
- Isaac asked his father where the lamb for the offering was. How do you think Isaac felt when he heard that God would provide? How does this show God’s faithfulness?
- How does Abraham’s response, “God will provide,” demonstrate his unwavering faith? Can you think of a time when you had to trust in God’s provision?
- Why do you think God tested Abraham’s faith by asking him to sacrifice Isaac? What do you think God wanted to show Abraham and us through this test?
- How can we develop a strong and unwavering faith like Abraham’s? Are there any practical steps we can take to grow our trust in God?
- In what ways do you think Abraham’s obedience to God’s command played a role in God’s ultimate plan? How does obedience connect to our faith?
- Can you think of a time when you faced a difficult decision or situation that required great trust and faith? How did you handle it, and what did you learn from it?
- How can we learn to lean on God’s understanding instead of relying solely on our own understanding? Why is this important for our faith journey?
- Reflecting on the story of Abraham and Isaac, what lessons can we apply to our own lives? How can we trust in God’s plan, have faith in His provision, and obey His commands?