9 Tips to Help You Read the Bible in a Year
Reading the whole Bible seems noble, but when you look at such a big book (often with tiny print!) it becomes daunting and overwhelming. But with a simple plan, you can read the whole Bible. In fact, you can read the entire Bible from beginning to end in a year!

As a busy mom, I often wish I had more time in the day to spend reading the Bible. In fact, I get up every morning with good intentions.
But I often struggle to focus, and it only gets harder when my kids get up. Everyone needs something from me (why do these kids need to eat?), and I get distracted.
I have found that I’m able to focus more and get more out of my daily Bible time when I use a Bible reading plan.
I am a person who likes to see things checked off a list, and I love accomplishing goals. While the whole Bible is a large book, breaking it down into daily readings makes it doable.
Is Reading the Bible in a Year a Good Idea?
It’s no secret that the Bible is a long book. In fact, it’s 66 books, 2 testaments, 1,189 chapters, and 31,102 verses. See? It’s pretty daunting.
When you look at any book that long, it’s easy to think you can never do it, so you give up before you start. Or, you start off with great gusto and give up before you get done.
Giving yourself the goal of reading the Bible in one year can help you stay focused and accomplish the goal.
Why Should You Read the Bible in a Year?
We know that God’s Word is powerful, and has the ability to change our lives. But leaving it lying on the shelf doesn’t help us at all!
Of course, reading the Bible is always important, even if you choose to start small and read one chapter each day.
If you choose to read the Bible in 365 days, you are committing yourself to fill your heart and mind with God’s Word in a tangible way. You will be surprised to see the effects that a year of reading the Bible every day will have in your life.
How to Read the Whole Bible in a Year
If you’re determined to read the Bible in a year, you can! Here are 9 tips to help you make Bible study a part of your life every day.
Use a One Year Bible.
One-Year Bibles are so amazing and make the whole process straightforward and easy! Reading plans are built right into the Bible. I am a KJV-only girl, but the One Year Bible is also available in other versions.
They are available in several patterns and cover designs, so reading is a spiritual blessing and pretty to look at!
Get a Bible reading schedule.
If you start in Genesis 1 and spend the year reading about three chapters each day, you can read your Bible in a year.
But that’s not the only way to read your whole Bible! There are a lot of different Bible reading plans that allow you to complete the goal
Here are a few ideas:
- Canonical (from beginning to end)
- Chronologically (the order the books happened historically)
- Old Testament and New Testament readings daily
- Chapters/day or books/month
Take a few minutes to consider what Bible study method would work best for you to read the Bible in one year.

Read along with friends.
Peer pressure is real, and it’s not always a bad thing. Use peer pressure to your advantage by starting joining a Bible study group. If you can’t find one, start your own!
Ask around in your church, or Sunday school class for others who may be interested. You may be surprised how many people would like to join the challenge.

Try an audio Bible app.
The beautiful thing about the Bible is that it’s powerful enough to influence your life even if you aren’t reading the words.
An audio Bible is a wonderful way to fill your mind with God’s Word, even if you can’t sit down and read it. My favorite Bible app for listening is Dwell. You can choose soft music to play in the background while someone reads the verses.
You can choose different plans in the app, including a Bible in a year reading plan, or even shorter passages.

Try Bible journaling.
Taking a few minutes out of your day to journal Bible verses makes a huge difference in your overall attitude. As a busy mom, you probably won’t have time to sit and journal long passages.
But, keeping a notebook where you write verses that speak to you is a wonderful way to absorb God’s Word more. When you’re feeling low, you can use your journal to look back over verses that have encouraged you in the past.
Involve your family.
Teach your kids that reading the Bible is a priority by making it part of your daily family routine. Even young kids can read the Bible when you use an audio Bible, or Mom and Dad read aloud.
If you can find a dramatized version (or you’re good at making voices) you can make the Bible come alive for kids and create a love of God’s Word early in life.

Set a specific time to read each day.
There’s something to be said for making habits in your life. If you just try to squeeze Bible reading in wherever it’ll fit in a day, you’ll soon find yourself with no leftover time. Instead, make reading the Bible a set activity in your day.
I like to read first thing in the morning. I get up, make my first cup of coffee and sit down with my Bible and prayer journal. I’ve done it for so long, it’s something I do automatically, and my day doesn’t feel right without this quiet time.
If you have toddlers or a baby, reading during their afternoon nap might work better for you. Or you might add Bible reading to your nightly routine.
The most important thing about reading the Bible in a year is to be consistent and do it daily.
Use a study Bible.
Take your reading a step further and do a deep Bible study on things you may not understand. Using a study Bible can help you dig deeper into passages and learn instead of just skimming over verses. (Guilty.)
Before you choose your study Bible, take a few minutes to think about what your Bible reading goal is. You can find a study Bible written especially for women, or even one that is color-coded (like a rainbow Bible) that helps you recognize topics and patterns in the Bible.
One of my favorite Bible reference books is my Bible Promises book, and I love this Bible Promise Study Bible. Not only is it beautiful, but it’s also encouraging for every situation you face in life.
Study Bibles for Women
Pray for understanding.
One of the great lies Satan tells us is that the Bible is too hard to understand. But that just isn’t true! The Bible is how God chose to speak to us, and He wants us to understand it and do what it says.
If you’re wondering how to read the Bible in a year for beginners, or you’re nervous about getting overwhelmed, He knows. Each day before you start reading, pray and ask God to help you understand what you’re reading.
Ask Him to show you the areas in your life where He wants you to grow, or the things you need to change. God will use His Word to speak to you, but you have to be willing to listen–and He’ll help with that, too!
Related: How to Pray More with a Written Prayer List

The Best Way to Read the Bible in a Year
There is no one right way to read a Bible in a year. But there are ways that fit your personality, reading style, and even your family dynamics better than others.
The most important thing to do is to choose a plan and read it consistently. Life happens. There are days you’ll oversleep and miss your daily quiet time. Your kids will wake up early from their naps, and you’ll only get half a chapter done.
But be committed to your plan, and keep going. Read in your downtime or use an app and listen to Bible reading while you’re in your car or folding laundry.
Determine that reading the Bible in a year is important to you–and then do it.
Read the Bible in a Year Plan
If you’re ready to read through your whole Bible in 2023, you can do it! Grab my Bible reading plan pdf to get you started on the right way. It works no matter what method you choose–just check off each chapter as you read or listen.
Print off one for yourself and each member of your family. Please share this article with your friends so they can get theirs, too!
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