11 Motivating New Year’s Resolutions for Christian Women
Discover meaningful New Year’s resolutions for Christian women to deepen your faith and grow spiritually in the year ahead. From daily Bible reading to setting spiritual goals, find practical ideas to embrace new beginnings with purpose.
Most of us make powerful resolutions for the New Year. But how many of them actually last? A study completed in 2016 says that 41% of us make resolutions, but only 9% say they actually complete their goals!

Even though I rarely reach all of my goals, I find that making them still helps me grow and change. In fact, sometimes I reach the end of a year, and the resolutions I made at the beginning of the year are no longer relevant. (For instance, vowing to lose 25 lbs, then getting pregnant!)
But not following through on all of your New Year’s goals is really okay, as long as you use them as a jumping-off point for growth.
Sure, resolutions to lose weight, exercise, read more, and spend time with family are great. Maybe this year is the time to try something new and put God first in our plans for the New Year.
Christian New Year’s Resolutions for a Fresh Start
As the past year comes to a close, we often reflect on what went well and what could use a little work. Maybe you’ve felt the pull to deepen your faith, spend more time in God’s Word, or make positive life changes for the glory of God. If so, you’re not alone!
The start of a new year is a perfect time to prayerfully consider areas where you’d like to grow. Let’s explore some meaningful Christian New Year’s resolutions that will strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ and enrich your busy life.
What does the Bible say about New Year Resolutions?
While the Bible doesn’t specifically mention the New Year, we know that God wants us to consistently examine our lives, see where we may be lacking, and grow in His grace.
We should never think we have “arrived” at the place we need to be. Instead, we should constantly strive to do more for the Lord, and serve Him better.
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14
As we say goodbye to the old year, and welcome in the new, we have a perfect opportunity to reflect on where we are in our Christian walk. It’s also the perfect time to consider areas where we need to grow.

11 New Year’s Resolutions for Christians That You CAN Actually Keep
Start with these Christian goals for the new year to become the woman of God He wants you to be.
1. Spend Time in God’s Word Every Day
In our busy lives, it’s easy for daily Bible reading to slip through the cracks. But reading the Bible regularly is a vital way to hear from the Spirit of God and gain His wisdom for daily living. Set aside even 10 minutes each morning to read and reflect on Scripture.
You don’t have to read your Bible for hours for it to make a change in your life. You can start small with a chapter a day in Proverbs, or you may go all-in and decide to read the entire Bible in a year.
The number of chapters you read isn’t as important, as making sure you take the time to read every day. Start your new Bible-reading habit this year.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” – Psalm 119:105
2. Start Using a Prayer List
Prayer is one of the most important things we do as Christian women. While we wish we could protect our families and keep them safe at all times–we can’t.
But we can pray faithfully for our husbands, kids, and even ourselves.
It can be overwhelming to know where to start. You don’t need fancy words, long phrases, or even hours of time–which is great since most of us don’t have much of that!
If you aren’t sure where to start, this prayer list template is a great resource for beginners. Commit to spending just a few minutes in daily prayer this year. Even a short prayer time can make a huge difference in your life.
3. Take Care of Your Health
As busy moms, it’s hard to find the time to take care of our health. Not only that, it can also feel selfish to take even a few minutes for ourselves each day.
But the Bible tells us that our bodies are the temple of the Lord. We should take care of them to honor Him.
Taking care of your body means something different for each of us. Whether it’s eating better, exercising more, or getting adequate rest, set health goals that align with the glory of God.

4. Memorize Scripture
We’ve already discussed the importance of reading the Bible. But you can go a step further and hide God’s Word in your heart by committing Bible verses to memory.
The Bible has the power to change our lives, but not if we don’t know what it says. Obviously, there are a lot of verses in the Bible. 31,102 verses to be exact.
Hide God’s Word in your heart by committing verses to memory. Find encouraging verses for women that will help you grow your relationship with God.
You never know when the wisdom of God will comfort you or help you encourage someone else. Start small with a verse like Philippians 4:13, 2 Timothy 1:7, or Romans 12:1-2.
5. Attend Church Faithfully
If you really want to grow in the Lord in the New Year, church attendance should be a priority. We all know that the last couple of years have been hard when it comes to meeting in groups.
Many people completely got out of the habit of going to church during the pandemic, and getting back has been hard. But now is the time.
If you’ve been missing your church family, or have never found a church to call home, a New Year is a great time to start. Sunday School, worship services, prayer meetings, and small group Bible study are all vital to Christian maturity.
Faithful church attendance is essential for spiritual growth. You need to hear biblical teaching, worship, and fellowship with other believers to help you stay grounded in the faith.
6. Read Christian Books
Reading books is a great hobby, (and my personal favorite pastime!), but we can also use books to point us to Christ.
Sometimes, you can read wholesome Christian fiction that encourages you. Or, you might reach nonfiction that deepens your understanding of the Bible.
You don’t need to go all out and try to read 100 books in a year. Start small and determine to read one Christian book a month.
7. Strengthen your marriage.
Have you ever seen those social media influencers who tell you, “Make sure you don’t skip date night?”
Sure, a weekly date night sounds great, but when you have younger or special-needs children, don’t live near family, or can’t squeeze a babysitter into the budget, date nights can be few and far between.
Can you still have a successful and happy marriage if you can’t spend hours alone together?
The world has given us a skewed view of what marriage should be. It’s not two people who are always mushy-gushy and in love.
But it’s two people who are committed to loving one another even through hard times. It’s choosing love, even when you’d rather walk away.
As a Christian wife, making the choice to honor your husband is one way you can strengthen your marriage–even without date nights, fancy flowers, or expensive gifts. Decide this year to do your best to obey God by respecting your husband.
8. Determine to serve with a smile.
Our human nature doesn’t really enjoy serving others. But, like most things, God’s way is different from ours. Mark 10:44 says, “And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.”
As moms, we get lots of chances to serve! We’re always cooking meals, washing clothes, cleaning the house…serving God by serving our families.
But the work is sometimes tedious, and, honestly, not always appreciated. God’s desire for us is not only to serve others but also to do it without “murmurings and disputings.” (Philippians 2:14)
Start the New Year by determining to approach even mundane tasks like housework, cooking, or running errands with an attitude that you’re doing it for the Lord. (Colossians 3:23)

9. Spend less time on social media.
Let’s be real—most of us spend too much time scrolling social media. Imagine how much you could grow in your faith if you spent even half of that time in prayer, reading the Bible, or serving others.
Instead of mindlessly scrolling, swap those moments for good things that bring eternal value.
Social media itself isn’t bad. However, it becomes a negative influence when we start to believe the life we see there is real. It can start to affect us spiritually if we’re not careful.
Recently, I found myself feeling down, and I stopped for a minute to take stock. I traced my sadness back to a post I had read on social media. Yes, a tiny square photo with a two-sentence description on Instagram had totally ruined my mood.
Setting limits on your social media–and sticking to them–can make a real difference in your spirit and mood. You can easily set this up in your phone’s settings. If you’re like me, you might be surprised just how much time you waste on those apps every day.
10. Be a more dedicated witness for Christ.
The last command Jesus gave before He ascended to Heaven was to “preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) If we fail to witness, we are not obeying this specific command.
I know, that’s harsh. I am guilty of not witnessing as I should. And it is one of my resolutions for this year. Being a witness can be as simple as inviting a neighbor to church, or passing out a gospel tract.
We tend to make it complicated because it’s hard. Witnessing requires us to put aside our own pride.
But the Bible tells us that the only way the lost can come to Christ is if someone tells them how. And that someone must be you and I.
Witnessing is God’s will, and He has promised that He will give us strength when we’re doing our best for God.
11. Practice a new spiritual discipline.
While our salvation doesn’t depend on the things we do, practicing spiritual disciplines can help us deepen and strengthen our faith.
Some spiritual disciplines include solitude, generosity, fellowship, and fasting. (Although there are a lot of varying lists out there!) Take some time to intentionally practice at least one new one this year.
As for me, I know that I need more times of silence in my life. Times of silence are when God can speak to us, but I tend to always have noise in the background.
Perhaps you’re a loner who could use some fellowship, or you find yourself needing to give more of yourself, time, or money to others. Take the opportunity this year to grow spiritually through one or more of these practices.

How to Set New Year’s Resolutions (and Actually Keep Them!)
Making resolutions is exciting, but keeping them? That’s the hard part! Here’s how you can set spiritual goals that stick:
1. Pray First
Before writing a single goal, seek God’s wisdom. Ask Him to show you where He wants you to grow in the next year.
2. Start Small
Instead of committing to huge life changes, focus on smaller, manageable steps. For example, instead of reading the entire Bible in a year, commit to one chapter a day.
3. Write Them Down
There’s something powerful about writing goals. Use a notebook, a planner, or my free printable Goal Setting Workbook to record them.
4. Track Your Progress
Check-in weekly or monthly to see how you’re doing. Celebrate wins, even small ones, and ask for God’s strength when you fall short.
A Great Time for New Beginnings
As you plan for the next year, embrace the opportunity for new beginnings. Through prayer, dedication, and reliance on the spirit of God, you can cultivate a life that glorifies Him in every way.
“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31
Ready to Get Started?
To help you set meaningful resolutions, I’ve created a free printable Goal Setting Workbook. It’s designed to guide you through prayerfully setting and tracking goals that align with your faith.

👉 Click here to download your workbook now!
Let’s make this year one of spiritual growth, intentional living, and joy in the Lord!
Focus on the tasks and actions that will grow you spiritually. Read the Bible, pray, go to church, and work to strengthen your marriage and family. These are powerful intentions that can change your life.
Remember, when your goals honor Him, He will give you the strength to accomplish all of your Christian New Year’s resolutions.
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