7 Simple Tips to Read the Bible Effectively
Want to read the Bible every day but don’t know how to make that happen? Check out these five tips for reading the Bible effectively, even when you’re short on time!
Every day I wake up with new optimism. Today will finally be the day I get up before my kids, make a cup of coffee, and spend a few minutes alone with the Lord. It will be picture-perfect, like the peaceful scene on the cover of a women’s devotional.

So far, it hasn’t happened quite like that.
See, I have a child who is a morning person. I am not a morning person. He wakes up talking and can ask me 6 questions before I’ve even sipped that first caffeine-filled goodness from my favorite mug.
I know that I need to start my day by reading my Bible. Not only does reading the Bible daily set the tone for my day, but I also know that I will never find the time later in the day.
As a busy mom, I need to be able to read the Bible effectively while kids are running around, the dog is whining to go out and the dishwasher is silently begging to be emptied.
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Why is Reading the Bible Important?
The Bible is a special book–it’s the very Word of God. It is a big book, and it can take time to sit down and read the whole Bible. And while reading all 66 books of the Bible is important, you don’t have to read it all at once.
If you sit down in the morning and speed-read five chapters, that’s great! But if you’re finished and can’t recall anything you read, your time was wasted. Reading the Bible effectively isn’t a task to mark off a to-do list, but should be a life-altering action.
Daily reading has the ability to grow your faith and help you become the Christian God wants you to be. Even if you are super busy (and who isn’t?) you should set aside time for God’s Word every day.
Instead of focusing on how many Bible verses you read, focus on what you can learn every day. Maybe you can determine to read a chapter every day. But if an entire chapter is too much, try focusing on a few verses or shorter passages. Over time, you will see Scripture passages changing your life.

The Best Ways to Read the Bible
There is no right or wrong way to read the Bible effectively. But if you’re a beginner, or have never had a Bible reading habit before, you might feel overwhelmed.
The most important thing to remember is this: It doesn’t matter how long you spend reading your Bible each day. Bible reading is not a contest for who can read the most, the fastest, or the best.
Everyone’s journey of faith is different, and there are many different ways to read God’s Word. Here are a few you might want to consider:
In Canonical Order
To read the Bible in canonical order means to start in the book of Genesis and read straight through to Revelation. You can usually read through the entire Bible in a year if you read about three chapters each day.
Canonical order is probably the most simple way to read the Bible. As you read through the Old Testament you’ll see the historical context of the Bible. The Bible is the story of God, and reading it from beginning to end will give you a better understanding of how God works through time and space to complete His will.
In Chronological Order
The Bible was written by several different authors, and it does flow naturally from book to book. However, The Bible is not published in chronological order. For instance, the story of Job happened somewhere around the time of Abraham, and the books of Ezra and Nehemiah took place around the same time.
The books of 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles cover some of the same events from different points of view. Reading the Bible in chronological order can give you a whole new understanding of the story it tells.
Related: 17 Lesser-Known Bible Characters With Amazing Stories of Faith and Courage
A Mixture of the Old and New Testaments
Reading two chapters in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament each day is another way to read the Bible effectively. As you read you can see the big picture of the Bible.
The most important lesson in the Bible is God’s redemptive work on the cross. Even as your reading about Creation, Noah’s Ark, and Abraham, you’ll be reading about Jesus’ birth, life, and death.
Reading from the Old and New Testaments together can also keep your reading fresh, and prevent getting bogged down in more difficult chapters or books.
Reading All of the Verses About a Certain Topic
If you want to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible, you’ll need to dig deep into specific verses. This is not a Bible reading plan for reading the whole Bible or reading quickly. Instead, it’s a Bible study method that will give you a deeper understanding of God’s will.
There’s no assignment for how many verses you need to read in a day, no schedule for getting it done by a certain time, and no competition to try to finish before someone else.
It’s also a great way to really dig deep and learn what God has to say about certain things.
No matter how you choose to read the Bible, it has the power to change your life. But just reading it isn’t enough. That’s why reading the Bible effectively is so important.
Reading the Book of Psalms and Proverbs
King David and his son, King Solomon, wrote several Old Testament books, and their writings are still vitally important to Christian living today. The book of Proverbs contains an extraordinary amount of wisdom that modern Christians need.
If you don’t have a long study time, you can read about two chapters in Psalms and a chapter in Proverbs each day. At the end of three months, you will have read through Psalms once and the book of Proverbs three times.
Focus On One Bible Book at a Time
While all of the Bible is important and good for you, there are times when one book might apply more to your life than others. And it’s okay to take it slow and study them one at a time. Now, if you choose to study the book of Jude, your study will take a lot less time than a very long book, like Psalms.
But there are benefits to reading a book slowly, reading a verse, and then digging deep into the meaning of the verse.
The Best Place to Start Reading the Bible
If you ask five people what book of the Bible they should read first, you might get five different answers! The Bible is such a personal book, every person has their own favorite.
There is no single book that is better than the others.
So these suggestions are my own. These are some of my favorite books, and any of them would be a great place to start–but remember, there’s no right or wrong answer here.
- Proverbs
- John
- Philippians
- Psalms
- Titus
If it’s your first time reading the Bible, the book of John is a great place to start. You’ll get a bird’s eye view of the life and death of Jesus Christ, and God’s plan for salvation.

7 Tips to Read the Bible Effectively
The key to effective Bible study is consistency. Create a Bible reading routine and make it a goal to read daily. Feel like you just can’t make it happen?
Here are seven easy ways you can make daily Bible reading a part of your daily routine and start reading the Bible effectively.
Set a daily Bible reading routine.
The best way to make sure that you actually read the Bible every day is to set a specific time for it. For example, wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual and use that time to read the Bible. Make it part of your morning routine.
If you aren’t in a season of life where waking up earlier works for you, that’s okay. You may have a few minutes in the afternoon to sit and read. Or, you may give up some social media scrolling before bed, and read then.
Whatever time you find, be consistent and make a habit of reading your Bible at the same time each day. Soon, your day won’t feel complete until you’ve spent time in the Word.
Find a quiet place where you can focus.
Quiet is a relative term when you’re a mom. Kids are never really quiet. And when they are, we get worried.
Reading the Bible effectively depends on finding a place and time when you can focus. It might mean putting in some earbuds (or just one, so you can still hear if things get completely out of control) and playing some soft hymns.
It might mean sitting outside while the kids play on the swings. Or reading on your phone while nursing or rocking a teething toddler.
The where doesn’t matter so much as actually doing it. Reading in my favorite chair with a cup of coffee and my Scripture journal is great. But listening to a passage being read to me while I’m loading the dishwasher is also great.
God’s Word has the power to work in our lives no matter we are or how we are reading it.
Use a study Bible or another helpful resource.
If you’re new to reading the Bible effectively, a good study Bible can make all the difference. It can help you understand the context of what you’re reading and make an application to your life.
If you aren’t sure where to start, ask a trusted friend, or your pastor to help you find a good Bible study.
There are a lot of studies by a variety of authors on a lot of topics. Finding one that’s Scripturally sound is vital–especially if you’re a new Christian. A good Bible dictionary is another great resource to help you gain a greater understanding of the original text of the Bible.
Write the Word.
Writing Scripture is a powerful way to learn and remember it. There’s something that happens in your brain as your fingers write. Not only will it be easier to remember the words, but you can meditate on the verses as you write.
You can use any Bible reading plan and write the verses as you go. These guided Scripture writing journals are a great resource and one of my favorite ways to dig deep into a particular topic in the Bible.
Attend a Bible study at church or with friends.
Discussing what you’re reading with others is a great way to get different perspectives about Bible verses. The Bible does not have different interpretations, but each of us sees things from a different viewpoint. Being part of a study group can give you insight into God’s Word that you may not see on your own. A friend or family member may have some insight or life experience you don’t have.
If you’re not sure what a passage means, it’s always a good idea to talk to your pastor! You might feel embarrassed, but I have found that pastors really enjoy it when you ask questions about the Bible. A man of God wants those in his church to read and study the Bible, and they are happy to help you understand and live God’s Word.
Pray for wisdom.
The Bible is not always easy to understand. But sometimes we need to do the hard work of studying and figuring out God’s will for us. Understanding of the Bible only comes through the Holy Spirit.
Our fleshly minds cannot comprehend the Bible on our own. God knows this and has promised that if we want to know the truth from His Word, all we have to do is ask.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
James 1:5
God doesn’t get angry at you if you don’t understand, and He will give you the wisdom you lack.
Related: How to Pray More with a Simple Written Prayer List
Use the SOAP method.
One of my favorite ways to dig into my Bible is using the SOAP method. It works with any Bible passage and makes your Bible reading more effective. It’s a very simple method.
S-Scripture: Choose a verse or passage of Scripture and write it.
O-Observation: Read over the passage again. Is there a key verse that stands out to you? Is God saying something special to you?
A-Application: How can you apply the truth of this verse in your own life? Is God calling you to do something with what He’s showing you?
P-Prayer: Turn the verses into a prayer. They may be verses you can literally pray to God. Or, you may need to ask God to help you do what He’s shown you in His Word.

Read the Bible Effectively Today!
Reading the Bible effectively can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know where to start. But these 7 tips have given you the tools to begin your journey in understanding God’s word. From setting a daily routine and finding a quiet place to focus, to using Bible study tools and writing out scripture, these tips will help deepen your relationship with the Lord and dive deeper into His word.
Most importantly, always pray for wisdom—God is faithful to answer. Commitment is key when it comes to reading the Bible effectively – so start today! Make it easy on yourself and download the Busy Mom’s Quiet Time Jumpstart, which combines the power of Scripture reading with prayer and journaling, as well as focused reflection questions. With this simple workbook, you’ll be able to remember what you’ve read while meditating on truth and applying God’s word in your daily life.
Now that you have all of the necessary tools, let’s get started on an effective bible reading journey—shall we?
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Thank you for your encouraging tips! I love the Dwell app too. You reminded me to get out my Write the Word journal again.
I’m so glad it inspired you! Write The Word has really changed the way I read my Bible!