The Triumphal Entry: A Palm Sunday School Lesson for Kids
Are you ready to share the incredible story of Palm Sunday with your kids? It’s easy to get caught up in all the excitement of Easter and skip over the Palm Sunday story. But it’s more than just a day on the calendar! It’s a time to celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. This Palm Sunday Sunday School lesson will convey the message of hope and salvation to children. Here’s how you can tell the story in a way that captivates, educates, and inspires your kids.
The Easter story is an important part of our Christian faith, but we can’t overlook the importance of the rest of Holy Week. While it’s a beautiful story, it can be hard to talk about and understand.
Talking to our kids about Palm Sunday and the fulfillment of the prophecy is a great way to open the door to conversation with our kids. Everything that happened during Holy Week was part of God’s plan for our salvation.

How to Teach the Story of Palm Sunday to Kids
The beauty of teaching such stories to children lies in the purity of their understanding and their ability to connect with the emotions evoked. Sometimes we underestimate their ability to understand. But the truth is, the good news of the gospel is simple enough for even young children to understand.
Here are a few methods to make the tale of Palm Sunday come alive for the youngsters:
Teach from an open Bible.
Even if you are using a printed lesson or visual aids as you teach your Sunday School class, keep your Bible open in front of you.
Let your children or students know that this story comes directly from the Bible.
Make sure kids know it is a true story.
Our kids are never without things to entertain them. In fact, movies, TV shows, and videos are available at their fingertips.
We want to make sure our kids know these are not just stories like those we read in books.
This is a true story that really happened!
Remind kids this was all a part of God’s plan.
As kids learn about the original events of Palm Sunday, make a point to tell them that this was all a part of God’s plan. He made a plan to save us from our sins back at the beginning of the world. Then, remind them that we are praying to the same God and He has a plan for each of them now.
Get creative!
Kids love it when a teacher/parent uses different voices and fun facial expressions while reading. You don’t have to be fancy, but make it fun! You may want to bring tree branches into your classroom and allow the kids to wave them.
Make a big parade and walk around the room to show them what the procession into Jerusalem might’ve looked like.
Encourage Conversation
Begin by asking open-ended discussion questions to prompt discussion. “Why do you think the Jewish people were so happy to see Jesus?” “What does ‘Hosanna’ mean?” These types of inquiries stimulate not only understanding but also reflection.
The Meaning of Hosanna
Spend time explaining what “Hosanna” means. They are praise words meaning “save us now,” or “God saves.” Show the children that this was the people’s way of recognizing Jesus as a Savior and Deliverer.
This is also the way they recognized Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Son of David. In those moments he became King Jesus to them.
Relate the Story to Today’s World
Help the kids to see that the spirit of Palm Sunday can be mirrored in their lives today. Ask them, “How can we welcome Jesus into our hearts like the people who welcomed Him into Jerusalem?”
Prayer and Reflection
Wrap up the lesson with a simple prayer or moment of silence. Encourage the children to reflect on the story and what it means to them personally. Invite children to pray with you today and to pray with their families throughout the next week.
Who Can Use These Palm Sunday Activities
This lesson and activity ideas are perfect for:
- Sunday School
- Children’s Ministry
- Kids’ Church
- Homeschoolers
- Family Devotions
Palm Sunday Sunday School Lesson
Share this lesson with your kids this Palm Sunday and encourage excitement about Easter and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead!
Lesson Objective: Share the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and explain how it fulfills the prophecy from the Old Testament.
Memory Verse: Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. Matthew 21:9
Intended Age Group: 7-10 year-olds
The Story of Palm Sunday
Have you ever heard about what happened on Palm Sunday a long time ago? It’s a true story from the Bible that is super important for Christians all around the world.
Long before Jesus was born, a man named Zechariah wrote in the Old Testament that the promised Messiah would come to Jerusalem riding on a donkey.
And who do you think that was? Yes, it was Jesus! Isn’t it amazing that this was planned so many, many years before?
Now, imagine this: Jesus chose a young donkey to ride on as He entered the city of Jerusalem. Why a donkey, do you think? Because a humble donkey is a symbol of peace, and Jesus is called the Prince of Peace!
As Jesus rode into the city, people gathered around Him, so excited to see Him that they waved palm branches high in the air. They even put some palm fronds and their coats on the ground for the donkey to walk on. It was like rolling out a green carpet!
They shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” That’s a way of saying “Please save us” and “Hurrah for the king!” all at the same time. They knew Jesus was very special and had come to do amazing things!
This wonderful day of Palm Sunday is right before Easter and starts what we call “Holy Week.” It’s one week where every day has a special part in the story leading up to Easter.

The Meaning of Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is full of joy, just like when you’re excited to see someone you love very much. It reminds us to welcome Jesus into our lives with open hearts, just like the people who welcomed Him into Jerusalem.
You see, Jesus loves every one of you so much, and He likes it when we celebrate and remember the good things He did for us. Jesus came to be our Friend and Savior and to die on the cross for our sins. That is why we wave those palm branches—to celebrate Him!
Palm Sunday is also referred to as the Triumphal Entry of Jesus. It reminds us that Jesu is the true King, and He will one day reign over the world.

Fun Activities for Palm Sunday
Today, we have some special Palm Sunday coloring pages for you! You can color pictures of Jesus on the donkey, the palm branches, and the people celebrating.
While you color, think about how you can welcome Jesus into your heart this week. Maybe by being kind to your friends, helping your parents, or saying a little prayer before bed.
A Prayer for Palm Sunday:
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving us and coming into our world with peace.
Help us to welcome You into our lives every day and to share Your love with everyone we meet.
Hosanna to You, our King!
Remember, kids, Palm Sunday is a time of happiness because Jesus is with us! And just like those big crowds a long time ago, we can show Jesus just how much we love Him, not just with palm branches but with our actions and our hearts.
Can’t wait to see all your beautiful coloring and hear how you’re going to be extra welcoming this week! Keep celebrating, and keep loving Jesus in everything you do!
Download the Free Palm Sunday Lesson and Coloring Pages
To help you share this Bible lesson with your kids, you can download a free printable lesson plan and coloring pages. These resources make it easier to share this Bible story and also provide material for the kids to take home.
Since many children visit church for the first time around the Easter season it’s a great way to encourage them to share the lesson with their families.
Don’t just tell the story; make it an experience. Interactive, engaging and rooted in the love and compassion that Jesus taught. Use this free lesson plan to touch the hearts of the kiddos in your class.
Use this opportunity at the beginning of Holy Week to introduce younger children to the beauty of the first Palm Sunday and the beauty of Jesus.
More Easter Resources
- How to Share the Easter Story Using the Jelly Bean Prayer (free printable)
- 25+ Christian Easter Activities for Kids and Families
- Jesus is Alive! The Easter Bible Story for Kids