Free Printable Palm Sunday Coloring Pages for Kids
The story of Palm Sunday is such a beautiful beginning of Holy Week. If you’re looking for a great way to talk to your kiddos about the triumphal entry, these free Palm Sunday coloring pages are the perfect resource for you!

Do you remember the first time you heard the story of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection? When we’re adults, we tend to think of those Bible stories as something we’ve always known.
But there was a time when we didn’t know them. Then, our parents, grandparents, or Sunday School teachers told us these powerful stories. Over time we learned about Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
Using simple Bible lessons and fun coloring pages is a great way to talk to kids about important events in the Bible.
This collection of Palm Sunday coloring pages is a great tool for homeschool moms, and children’s ministry lessons and is a great addition to a Sunday School lesson. You can also use them in your family devotion time as you talk to your kids about Holy Week.
How to Use the Palm Sunday Coloring Sheets
This coloring sheet bundle is a digital download, so all you need to do is download and print! They are a great resource for your Sunday School, kids’ Bible study, homeschool, or family devotions.
Here are a few supplies that will. make using these coloring pages fun and easy.
- a printer (I love my HP printer with Instant Ink subscription)
- crayons
- colored pencils
- good quality paper
- scissors (for older kids!)
- craft sticks (optional)
The coloring pages are made for personal use and are meant to be printed on a home printer. You can use them in your own home or class, but please don’t share them with others! Feel free to point them here to download their own!
Related: Jesus is Alive! The Easter Bible Story for Kids
Triumphal Entry Printable Coloring Sheets
The start of Holy Week is Palm Sunday when we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He rode on the back of a donkey. People lined the streets, waved palm branches and laid their coats on the road.
They shouted, “Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.” They recognized Jesus as the King of the Jews.”
Less than one week later, He was hung on a cross to die for our sins.
If you are teaching a Sunday School class or delivering a Palm Sunday sermon in children’s church, these coloring sheets are a great activity to use to supplement!
Palm Sunday Coloring Pages
This bundle of free Palm Sunday coloring sheets includes 4 printable pages to download, print, and use! Keep reading to see each page.

Jesus Rides a Donkey Coloring Page
If you need just one free Palm Sunday coloring page, make it this one! The simple page features Jesus riding on the back of a donkey. It’s a great way to introduce Passion Week to kids.
To turn this into an activity sheet, have children cut out the shape and glue it to a stick.

Related: The Triumphal Entry: A Palm Sunday School Lesson for Kids
Man and Woman with Palm Leaves Coloring Pages
Kids like to feel like they can relate to a Bible story. I’ve also found that girls like to color girls, and boys like to color boys! They’re sure to like one of these pages! Download the man and woman holding palm fronds and give them to your kiddos to color. You can attach these to sticks too, and let kids recreate the story.

Triumphal Entry Scene Coloring Page
If you’re looking for a great page to go along with a Bible lesson or sermon, this one is a perfect choice. It features Jesus riding the donkey and people waving palm branches as He passes by. It also features a Bible verse to help kids remember the lesson while they color.
And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.
Matthew 21:9
This is a great page for older children with great coloring skills, but younger kids can use it too!
The Importance of Bible Coloring Sheets for Kids
Coloring pages for kids seem like a small part of teaching kids about the Bible. But they’re actually a vital part of helping kids understand God’s Word.
Taking time to sit and color allows kids to ask questions and open up conversations. I love sitting down to color with my Sunday School kids. It’s always fun to hear what they have to say. It’s the time they get silly and and chatty!

More Resources for Kids
Are you a mom or Sunday School teacher looking for Bible resources for your kids? Check these out!
- How to Share the Easter Story Using the Jelly Bean Prayer (free printable)
- 12 Easter Scriptures for Kids (+printable cards)
- 25+ Christian Easter Activities for Kids and Families