16 Patriotic Activities for Families on Memorial Day
Looking for some fun ways to kick off the summer while honoring the fallen heroes from our armed forces? These Memorial Day family activities are perfect to honor the history of the day while spending time together.
When we think of Memorial Day, we think of the unofficial start of summer, barbecues, and time with our families. Those things are great, but we should never forget why we can enjoy the beautiful freedoms in our country.

Our freedom was bought for us by thousands of men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live in peace. As Americans, we should be thankful every day. But celebrating Memorial Day is a great way to remember the service members and military families who paid the price for our freedom.
Most of us will never know the pain that comes from losing a loved one serving our country. But we want our kids to know that some men and women have felt that pain. And on this last Monday in May, we take the time to remember military members and their families.
Memorial Day is a fun start of the summer season–filled with American flags, hot dogs, and watermelon. But it should also be a day to ponder and reflect on the brave men and women who made our great nation possible!

A Brief History of Memorial Day
Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day. It originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in the United States in 1971.
The day was initially established to honor the Union and Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War. On May 30, 1868, General John A. Logan, leader of an organization for Northern Civil War veterans, called for a nationwide day of remembrance.
Memorial Day is an important holiday where Americans decorate the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers. Over time, Memorial Day evolved to commemorate all American military personnel who have died in all wars.
It was made a federal holiday in 1971. In 2000, President Bill Clinton signed the National Moment of Remembrance Act, which asked Americans to pause and observe a moment of remembrance at 3:00 pm local time.
The holiday is observed on the last Monday of May, marked by ceremonies, parades, and the decoration of graves to honor those who sacrificed their lives for their country.
While it had humble beginnings, the Memorial Day holiday is now a holiday weekend packed with family-friendly events–and hopefully a cookout!
We don’t want to forget that we are remembering those who sacrificed their lives. But it’s also a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the freedoms we enjoy with some family fun activities that honor our great nation!

16 Memorial Day Activities for the Whole Family
The Memorial Day weekend is the perfect time to remember the best things about our nation while celebrating and honoring those who gave their lives in military service.
What better way to celebrate than by spending time with those you love most? Use this list of fun things to have a Memorial Day celebration with dad, mom, and kids of all ages!
Attend a Memorial Day Parade
Memorial Day parades are a great way to honor local veterans and those who died for our freedom. Many towns host a parade as an annual event in honor of Memorial Day.
Check out Facebook or local newspapers to see what great parades and activities are taking place in your community.
Decorate the Graves of Fallen Soldiers
Veterans’ Organizations and the American Legion often look for volunteers to help decorate the graves of soldiers. It’ generally involves placing a flag or Memorial Day decorations on graves. It’s a wonderful opportunity for little hands to get involved in serving others!
Host a BBQ
In the early days or our marriage, my hubby and I hosted a Memorial Day cookout for our extended family members. It was such a fun day, and we created great memories together.
Your Memorial Day menu doesn’t need to be complicated. Hamburgers and/or hotdogs, chips and dip, and some fresh fruit make the perfect, simple meal.
Have a Picnic
Make a day of it, pack some sandwiches and snacks, and head to a local park for a picnic. You can also check out special events taking place in your community like parades, live music or little amusement parks.
Visit a National Park
Memorial Day is a great time to get outside! Spend the day outdoors exploring nature and learning about the country’s history.
National park sites feature some of the most beautiful scenery our country has to offer. And the long weekend is a great time to go and visit one.
Make a patriotic craft
Get creative with red, white, and blue crafts such as making flags or patriotic decorations. The best part is, you can leave them up until the Fourth of July–or even Labor Day!
Watch a Patriotic Movie
Gather the family for a movie night featuring patriotic films.
Here are a few family-friendly ideas:
- The Music Man
- The Sandlot
- Yankee Doodle Dandy
- National Treasure (the original and the sequel are both great!)
- An American Tail
- Molly: An American Girl on the Homefront
- Night at the Museum
Play Patriotic Trivia
Test your knowledge of American history with a fun trivia game. This is a great way for kids to learn the significance of the holiday we’re celebrating.

Visit a War Memorial
Most towns have some sort of memorial for fallen heroes, wounded soldiers, and veterans. Pay your respects on Memorial Day by visiting a veterans’ memorial, and putting names to some of the men and women who have sacrificed for our freedom.
Visit a Local Museum
Explore a museum dedicated to history or military veterans. You might be surprised at the kinds of activities that are available in your area!
Write Letters to Troops
On this day when we honor fallen soldiers, show appreciation for troops overseas by writing a letter or sending a care package. They always appreciate love and support!
Bake Patriotic Treats
Get in the kitchen and bake some red, white, and blue treats like cupcakes or cookies. Serve them up at your cookout, or deliver them to a local veterans’ home!
Watch a Fireworks Display
Many towns put on a great fireworks show for Memorial Day. Do a quick search on Facebook or Google to find one near you. Make sure you get there early to get a good seat.
Visit a Local Veterans’ Home
While Memorial Day is the day that we remember the fallen, it’s also a great time to think of those who served. These men and women may not have paid the ultimate sacrifice, they face lifelong injuries and mental struggles. They would be honored to have a visit from your family to say thank you for their sacrifices, too.
Attend a Memorial Service at Church
The Bible has a lot to say about people who give their lives for a brother or friend. You’ll find that churches often have a special service on the Sunday of Memorial weekend to honor fallen soldiers. If yours doesn’t, it might be a good idea to speak to your pastor or church leaders about having one!
Reflect and Remember
Take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Memorial Day and remember those who have made sacrifices for their country. Gather your family together at 3:00 pm, and participate in the moment of silence. Talk to your kids about the importance of honoring those who died for our freedom.

More Than a Three-Day Weekend
Memorial Day weekend is a day that’s often marked with Memorial Day sales, family barbecues, parades, and flags. But as moms, we want our kids to know that this weekend is about more than having a good time and eating good food.
Take time to be together and talk to your kids about the great heroes of World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and even more recent wars like Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Whether you’re writing letters to troops, visiting a war memorial or gathering with your family, Memorial Day is a day to honor our nation and the heroes who preserve it for us.
Make this day about more than a long weekend and celebrate the United States and our great military!