How to Embrace Homemaking as a Ministry

I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for almost seven years. I was a homemaker for a year before that. And even though I love being a stay-at-home mom and homemaker, I still struggle sometimes to embrace homemaking as a ministry–my calling from God.

Living in a world that honors women who fight to get ahead, and build a career is hard for those of us who have decided those things don’t matter to us. In our modern world, the importance of homemaking has been lost in the noise of feminism.

cozy home | homemaking ministry

I have worked hard over the last few years to keep myself from falling into the stereotype, and enjoy being a stay-at-home mom. I get dressed in nice clothes, put on makeup and look presentable most days.

Even when I probably won’t see another human besides my husband and kids.

But even when I start to feel like what I’m doing doesn’t really matter, I still love being a wife, stay-at-home mom and homemaker.  Even though this job just isn’t very valuable in our society.

The truth is, homemaking may not be for everyone. But Christian women who embrace homemaking can take confidence in know that homemaking is a ministry.

Your Homemaking Ministry is a Calling

I grew up in a very  conservative Baptist church. (And I’m still very, very thankful for that.) Nearly every man of God I knew preached against women working outside their homes.

They took Titus 2:5 very seriously. “To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home…that the Word of God be not blasphemed.”

It wasn’t a popular opinion then, and it’s even less popular now. And that’s okay. I’m not about to tell every women who works a job that she should be staying home with her kids. That is a choice every family must make for themselves.

What I’m saying is that for me, being a keeper at home is my calling. Homemaking is my ministry. It’s not something I do because I can’t do anything else.

I love the words in Ephesians 1:4, “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world…” Imagine for just a minute that God chose you for the work you’re doing. It’s not an accident.

Before He even spoke those words, “Let there be light,” He had a plan for you. Embrace your role as a homemaker and realize it is God’s calling for you.

Being a homemaker isn’t just my “lot in life.” The importance of homemaking is a higher purpose that God has given to me.

couch with pillows | homemaking ministry

Your Homemaking Ministry is a Choice

My parents divorced when I was young, and my dad raised three kids mostly on his own. I was the only one of my friends who didn’t have a mom who dropped them off and picked them up from school.

I had amazing grandparents and family members who were so good to help us out. But, oh, how I wished for a mom to be there for me!

I knew that when I got older and had a family of my own I wanted to stay home with them. I wanted to be the one who took them to school, went on field trips and made brownies from scratch for treat days.

It’s not an easy choice. This lifestyle is full of sacrifices. There is very little recognition for it. And zero money.

All of us go through times in life when we wish we could do something else. I know I do. But the thought of sending my kids home with a babysitter is enough to remind me why I chose this life. And why I keep choosing it.

Maybe you were raised by a stay-at-home mom, and want to be just like her. Or maybe you’re more like me and don’t have that to look back on.

Whatever your story is, know that there is power and value in the fact that you made a choice to live in a homemaking ministry. There is no shame in it.

Your Homemaking Ministry is Beautiful

The Proverbs 31 woman gets a bad rap sometimes. For years we’ve all looked up to her and tried to measure up. And of course, we can’t.

No matter where you fall on the virtuous woman spectrum, you can’t deny that she’s beautiful. The Bible does indicate that she’s physically beautiful.

But even more than physical beauty, we see that she has an inner beauty. She takes care of herself, she takes care of her husband and children, and she takes care of a household.

I’m not about to tell you that you need to be the Proverbs 31 woman! What I am telling you is that the ultimate woman in the Bible…is a homemaker.

Find Joy in Your Home

There are homemaking and stay-at-home mom struggles that we face every day. But our homes don’t have to be places where we are sad and struggling.

We can find joy and be content at home. So stop putting yourself down. Don’t let others demean you–whether they mean to or not. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking your job is ugly, or that you have to be ugly because you are a homemaker.

Accept who you are. Accept the calling that God gave you–that He chose for you before He even formed the world.

Take joy in the choice you make to keep your home and care for your family. Know that one day your kids will look back and be grateful for the time you took to be with them.

Recognize that your job is beautiful. Your life is beautiful. You are doing a far more important work than you realize.

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  1. This.! This is everything I believe. My life and my feelings. My calling. I love being at home but society thinks it’s wrong. Every person should have a choice. If a woman chooses to stay at home to look after her family it’s one of the greatest careers in life. I wouldn’t have it any other way. X

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