How to Study Your Bible Using the SOAP Method (free printable)
See why the SOAP Bible study method is one of the most popular methods for the Christian mom’s toolbox. Download your free soap Bible study printable to get started now!
Have you always dreamed of studying God’s Word for yourself, but feel inadequate because you don’t have a Bible college degree?

There are many different methods for Bible study, and different ones for for different people.
As a busy mom, you want a simple tool that makes reading the Bible doable for everyone.
Studying the Bible should be a part of your daily routine. The Bible is an excellent tool for guiding you through life and helping you know and follow God’s will.
Let’s face it though, studying the Bible can be a bit overwhelming.
I used to wake up every day and wish I could read and study my Bible. But it’s such a large book.
I worried that I might not understand it. After all, I’m not a preacher or Bible teacher.
Can an ordinary woman who hasn’t been to Bible college or seminary really study God’s Word and understand it?
Here’s the truth: the Bible is not written to only pastors. It’s not even written to only men or old people.
The Bible is written for everyone, and God wants everyone to study it.
When you accept Christ as your Savior, you receive the Holy Spirit into your heart. He helps you not only read and understand the Bible but also live it out.
Yes, you can study the Bible! Every one of us can have a better understanding of God’s will through His Word.
All you need is a simple method to make Bible study easy and profitable for you!
There are many different ways, but one of my favorite Bible study methods is SOAP.
It seems like a simple acronym, but once you learn how to use it, it will become a great tool in your Bible study toolbox.
Related: Gleaning Grace: 5-Day Bible Study from the Book of Ruth
What is the SOAP Method of Bible Study?
One of the most popular Bible study methods is SOAP. SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.
The SOAP method is a simple Bible study method and a new way to dive deeper into the Word of God and apply it to your life.
In this SOAP Bible study example, we will explore the method and show you how you can use it to study the Bible for yourself in your daily life.
Let’s break it down and see exactly how to use the acronym SOAP to make the most of your daily Bible study.
The first step in the SOAP Bible study method is selecting Bible verses to focus on.
This could be a verse, a chapter, or even an entire book of the Bible. As a busy mom, I find the best way is to focus on only one verse or a short passage.
Once you have your Scripture, read it several times, and take note of any keywords, phrases, or themes that stand out to you.
Using a notebook, or your SOAP Bible study printable, write the verse you’ve chosen.
Circle or highlight the words that stand out to you.
The second step in the SOAP Bible study method is making observations.
This involves digging deeper into the scripture and seeking to understand what the text is saying.
You can ask yourself questions like:
- What is the context of the passage of Scripture?
- What is the author trying to communicate?
- What can I learn from this Scripture?
These questions are simple, but learning the answers will give you a lot of insight into the Scriptures.
In some cases, these answers can be personal because God speaks to each of us in different ways.
The power of God’s Word lies in its ability to speak to each of us exactly where we are and give us the message we need.

The third step in the SOAP Bible study method is application. This is where you take what you have observed and apply it to your life.
Think about how you can live out the truth of the scripture in your daily life.
This is where God’s Word becomes even more personal for you.
Allow God to use the Scripture to speak to your heart and show you His will.
The final step in the SOAP Bible study method is prayer. This is where you take what you have learned and communicate with God.
First, thank Him for showing you the truth in His Word.
Then, ask for help applying them to your life.
Finally, pray for wisdom and discernment for how to live the Scripture on a daily basis.
Related: 3 Helpful Tips to Read the Bible for Beginners (+free printable plans)
SOAP Bible Study Method Example
Ready to see the method in action? Let’s break it down in this example.
You can use a notebook, or Bible study journal or download your free SOAP Bible study template to make it even easier.
You may want to invest in a nice study Bible. While not necessary, it can be handy for understanding some harder passages.
For this example, let’s use a favorite Bible verse.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philippians 4:13
As you read this verse a few times, you might see the words “all things,” Christ” and “strengthens,” stand out.
These are the words we’ll be digging into as we progress through the SOAP method.
You may want to use different colored highlighters or pens to circle words that you think are significant.

Observing the verse further, we ask and answer the questions like this:
What is the context of this verse?
Paul wrote this verse to encourage the heart of the reader. God gives us strength to do hard things, especially things we think we can’t do on our own.
What is the author trying to communicate?
Paul is the author of Philippians, and we know he wrote it from prison. Yet, Paul wrote in previous verses that he had learned to be content.
Obviously, learning to be content is not an easy task, but God gives us the strength to learn and grow in contentment.
What can I learn from this Scripture?
Considering the context and author of this verse, we can see that Paul is encouraging Christians in our faith.
When the Christian life gets hard, or even impossible to live on our own, God gives us the strength we need to keep going.
For our Philippians 4:13 example, you might think about how you can be content in all circumstances and trust that God will strengthen you to do His will.
Maybe there is something else He is asking you to do that you simply think you can’t do.
Maybe you need to forgive someone who has hurt you, share the Gospel with a loved one, or give up a sinful habit.
Whatever you need, you can make a plan to trust God in the face of your challenges and lean on Him for strength.
For our Philippians 4:13 example, you might pray and thank God for his strength and faithfulness.
You might ask Him to help you trust Him more in all circumstances and to give you the strength to do all things through Him.
Put It Into Action
Bible study should not be confusing or hard. Using the SOAP Bible study method is a great way to approach your Bible study time with confidence.
These four simple steps can lead you to a deeper understanding of God and His Word.
Here’s how to put it into action on a daily basis:
- Download your Bible study notes printable sheet.
- Start reading the Bible daily. You can use your daily Bible reading plan, or check out our Scripture writing plans.
- Use the SOAP method to help you dig deeper into verses that God uses to speak to your heart.
The SOAP Bible study method is a powerful tool for Christian women looking to deepen their understanding of the Bible and apply it to their daily lives.
By focusing on Scripture, making observations, applying what we learn, and praying, we can connect with God in a more meaningful way and learn how to live more intentional lives.
Use the examples and free printable to get started with the SOAP method and experience the transformative power of studying the Word of God.
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