Encouraging Words for Kids: 50 Positive Messages to Help Them Succeed
Find out what encouraging words for kids can help them succeed even when things get tough. These encouraging words will build up their confidence so they can take on any challenge!
“He used to be my best friend, but now he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore.” When my son said those words to me, it broke my heart.
As a mom, I never want my kids to feel hurt or sad. But, unfortunately, that just isn’t reality.
Life is hard, even for kids. Sometimes their feelings get hurt, and they don’t understand. (Honestly, I don’t understand either.) Bad days happen. They fail a test, are in a grumpy mood, or feel like they aren’t doing a good job.

They need to be told how much they’re loved–often. Positive messages for kids are important for building their self-esteem, helping them stand up to bullies, and encouraging them to do their best.
As parents, we want to do everything we can to help our kids succeed. We want them to feel loved and supported, and we want them to know that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. One way we can do this is by encouraging them with positive words.
50 Encouraging Words for Kids
You may have heard the phrase, “The words we speak to our children become the voice inside their heads.” If you could control what your child says to himself, or herself what would you want it to be?
It’s important to speak kind words to your kids, to inspire them to be confident. We want them to know we love them, and that God loves them.
Here are 50 encouraging words for kids, plus printable cards with positive phrases, that you can use every day.
Encouraging Words for Kids to Start the Day
These encouraging phrases are great to say to your kids in the morning, especially if they’re facing something difficult. Offer these inspirational words for kids before they head out the door in the morning, or before you start school.
- Good morning, sunshine!
- I love you, have a great day!
- You can do it!
- I know you can make good choices today.
- God has big plans for you today!
Kind Words for Kids
Kids need to feel loved and be treated with kindness in the same way adults do. Use these kind words to encourage kids, and watch when they start to use kind words, too.
- You are special to me.
- You’re doing a great job.
- I love you just the way you are.
- I’m proud of you for trying your best.
- I’m glad we’re spending time together.
- Thank you for being so helpful.
- You’re a great friend.
- You’re a talented person.
- God loves you just the way you are.
- That was a fantastic job!
Positive Messages for Kids Who Are Struggling
Things in life don’t always go like we want. That’s a hard lesson for kids to learn. Sometimes a child is struggling with failing at a task, not making a team, or having their feelings hurt.
We can use encouraging words for kids to help them feel better and remind them that they’re loved.
- I’m here for you.
- It’s okay to make mistakes.
- I’m sorry your feelings are hurt.
- That was a hard day, I can tell.
- Thank you for telling me how you feel.
- Let’s figure this out together.
- I believe in you.
- I know you’re feeling sad/mad/frustrated.
- I’m sorry things didn’t go the way you wanted today.
- I’m listening.
- Tell me more about that.
- You’re doing better than you think you are.
- I know this is hard, but you can do it!
- Jesus is always with you.

Encouraging Words to Say to Kids When We’ve Hurt Them
I wish I could say I was the kind of mom who never had to apologize to my kids. But I’m not.
I have to apologize often. It’s not fun, but sometimes it’s necessary. It’s one way that I show my kids that I love them, and that my faith is real.
- I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.
- Please forgive me.
- Thank you for being patient with me.
- I value your opinion.
- I trust you.
Inspirational Words for Kids to Show Them How Much You Love Them
Sometimes we just need to let our kids know they are loved. They receive negative messages every day. Kind words from someone else can give them a boost of confidence, and help them to spread kindness to others.
- I love you!
- You are so special to me.
- Thank you for being in my life.
- You mean the world to me.
- My life is better because you’re in it.
- There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.
- I’m grateful for you.
- You brighten my day.
- You are a blessing to me.
- I cherish you.
- You’re one of a kind.
- There’s no one quite like you.
- I enjoyed spending time with you today.
- You have a special place in my heart.
- I’m glad we’re family.
- Thank you for being you.
I hope these encouraging words for kids have inspired you to speak kind and encouraging words to the children in your life! Print out these positive phrases, and put them somewhere you’ll see them often.
When we speak encouraging words to our kids, we help them feel loved, build their confidence, and inspire them to be kind to others. Let’s make a habit of encouraging the kids in our life, and watch as they grow into kind and confident adults!

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