Free Printable Daily Routine Checklist for Moms and Kids
As a busy mom, you have so much to do every day. Sometimes you feel like it will never get done! But when you create simple routines, you can get stuff done and still have downtime to enjoy your favorite hobbies or pastimes. You can download your free daily routine printable below and get started now.

When I first started homeschooling my kids, I just flew by the seat of my pants. Family life mixed with school time, and we just did our daily activities at a random time of the day.
I knew that something needed to change, but I wasn’t sure where to start. When I discovered the power of a new routine, our lives changed for the better!
Using routines is a great way to calm chaos, and help you accomplish your daily tasks without getting overwhelmed. It’s a great option for homeschoolers since we sometimes struggle to focus on what to do and when.
Good daily routines help us recognize our priorities and give us a reference point for our days. Keep reading to see how to create your own basic routine and download the daily schedule template.
Why Do Daily Routines Matter?
I’m not exaggerating when I tell you the power of daily routines. Not only do routines help us feel more in control of our day, but they also help reduce stress, promote better sleep, and improve our mental and physical health. Additionally, routines can help us teach our children good habits and foster a sense of structure in the household.
The Bible tells us that we are stewards of the time God gives us. (Ephesians 5:16) When we waste time we are not doing what is best for our families, or making the most of this valuable resource.
According to psychology experts, having a routine can help improve productivity and time management, and reduce procrastination. By having a daily routine, we can cultivate healthy habits that make it easier to achieve our long-term goals. And those are also lessons we want to pass on to our kids!
The Difference Between a Schedule and a Routine
Why do we call this a routine instead of a schedule? There is a bit of a difference between the two, and I prefer having a flexible routine instead of a more rigid schedule.
They are similar, but there are distinct differences between the two.
Think of a schedule as a structured plan that outlines specific activities or tasks at designated times. It helps us allocate our time effectively and ensures we stay on track.
On the other hand, routines are more about establishing consistent habits and rituals that provide stability and structure to our daily lives. Routines can encompass a series of actions or behaviors that we perform regularly. You may have a morning routine or an evening wind-down ritual.
Routines can happen at any time. For instance, your morning routine is the same every day of the week, but you might start at a different time of day. On Monday, you start your routine at 7:00 am, and on Saturday, you begin it at 9:00 am.
By incorporating both schedules and routines into our lives, we can strike a balance between structure and flexibility. This enables us to be productive and focused, and ultimately, live more fulfilling lives. So, whether you’re a schedule enthusiast or a routine aficionado, finding the perfect blend for your lifestyle and family is key.

What to Include in Your Morning Routine
The first step to calming hectic mornings is to use a simple morning routine. You don’t need to be a morning person to create a plan that works for you. The key to positive mornings is to have your own morning routine that is tailored for your personal use.
A good morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day. Here are a few ideas for things you might want to add to your morning routine:
- Morning stretches: Stretching helps wake up your body and increases blood flow, getting you ready for the day.
- Drink water: Starting your day with a glass of water helps rehydrate your body and can boost your metabolism.
- Bible reading or prayer: Taking a few minutes to read the Bible and pray can help calm your mind and set your intentions for the day.
- Breakfast: A healthy breakfast provides the fuel your body needs to function at its best throughout the day.
- Planning: Review your to-do list and schedule to help you prioritize your tasks for the day.
- Morning chore: Starting your day with a completed task can set the tone for a productive day.
What to Include in Your Afternoon Routine
Our afternoon routine gives us a boost for the afternoon. It helps us avoid an afternoon slump and get stuff done.
The afternoon is a great time to mark some little things off of your daily checklist. It doesn’t take a long time. We often use it as a time to complete our daily chores. It’s a better way to use our time in the afternoon.
Here are few ideas for things to incorporate into your afternoon routine to maintain your focus and energy:
- Lunch break: Ensure that you take time to nourish your body with a healthy meal.
- Exercise: Engage in some form of physical activity, such as a walk or quick workout, to re-energize your body and mind. When the weather is nice, we often use this time to go outside and get some fresh air.
- Organization: Tackle clutter or organize your workspace and household items to minimize distractions and increase efficiency.
- Weekly Tasks: I like to use my afternoon time to complete my weekly chores like vacuuming, dusting furniture or cleaning the bathroom.
What to Include in Your Evening Routine
As much as I love my morning routines, my night routines are just as important. An evening routine is the best way to set yourself up for success the next day. You can prepare for your morning activities, complete any chores that didn’t get finished earlier in the day, and even take time to pursue hobbies or enjoy family time.
End your day on a positive note with the following evening routine activities:
- Dinner: Share a nutritious meal with your family, and use this time to bond and reflect on the day’s events.
- Screen-free time: Spend some time away from your devices to help unwind and relax before bedtime.
- Self-care: Practice self-care by taking a bath, reading a book, or enjoying a hobby that promotes relaxation.
- Chores: Now is the perfect time to finish up any end-of-day chores like loading the dishwasher, cleaning counters, or putting away laundry.
- Bedtime routine: Establish a consistent bedtime routine to promote better sleep quality for yourself and your kids.

Free Printable Daily Routine Charts for Kids
Once you’ve started building your daily routines, you can help your kids start creating their own routines. Giving them simple checklists to follow every day will help them develop a sense of accomplishment, as well as helping them learn responsibility at a young age.
Older kids can benefit from a chore chart, while a kids’ daily routine chart can help younger kids start building good habits at an early age.
A daily routine chart can help remind kids to:
- brush teeth
- put away dirty dishes
- make the bed
- wash hands
- get dressed
- put away toys
- take a bath
- and more!
How to Use Your Daily Routine Printable
You can use our free printable daily routine checklist to create a weekly routine for you. Plus, the picture schedules can help your kids make routines, too.
Here’s how to use them:
- Download the printable: Enter your email address to download and print your free daily routine checklist.
- Tailor it to your needs: Customize the printable by filling in the activities that you wish to establish as part of your daily routine.
- Display it: Place your daily routine printable in a visible location, such as on your fridge or another place where you can see it easily.
- Make it reusable: You can easily print this printable each week, or use an inexpensive laminator and dry erase markers to re-use the same chart over and over again.
More Routines and Checklists for You
- If you have school-age kids, you can use these Daily Printable Routines to help them create successful schedules to help with schoolwork.
- Start meal planning with these easy meal-planning tips for busy moms.
- Want your kids to read more? This Printable Reading Tracker will help them set and achieve reading goals.
- Keep your house under control using this 15-Minute Cleaning Routine for Moms.
- Download my free ebook Start Right: 7 Daily Habits to Set the Tone for Your Day.