Having Fun With Your Kids (Even When It’s Messy)
I am not the fun mom. There, I said it. My personality type likes organization, order and neatness. And kids, well, they just aren’t those things. It’s important to provide order, but we also need to learn how to create fun memories for our kids, too.
When my kids want to do things that are messy and crazy, it’s my natural inclination to say no. Kids need order and a daily routine. But they also need fun, and even messes.
So, lately, I’ve been working to include more fun in our lives. And I have learned along the way that a little mess every now and then won’t kill me. Yes, it will drive me absolutely crazy. But, so far, I have survived.

How to Become a Fun Mom
Even as I had this post brewing in my brain, I read these words from Christy Wright, “You’re not a fun mom? Says who? Decide that you are. Do something fun. Boom, you’re a fun mom.”
How true is that? As moms we take so much responsibility on ourselves to make sure our kids turn into good humans. But we have to remember that we want to raise happy humans, too.
Don’t wear the label that you aren’t fun. Go out and have fun with your kids.
Don’t overthink this.

Learn to Have Fun With Your Kids Your Own Way
First, I want to tell you that being a fun mom doesn’t have to look like a Pinterest pin. When it’s all said and done, you probably won’t have cute, handprint turkeys, or perfect paper chains.
Instead, you’ll probably have paint water dripped on your counter and play dough under your couch–and quite possibly your fingernails. (There’s bonus points if your kids go straight from fun time to the bathtub.)
And that’s okay.
Each of us has fun in our own way, and it will look different for each person. I’ve seen the social media posts of cute little art projects and thought, “I need to do that!”
But the truth is, I have two boys. They rarely sit down for art projects. And if they do, it had better involve something like paint or glue.
Fun for my boys is building a fort out of quilts and chairs. They have fun by spreading LEGO all. over. my. house. They like putting on boots and splashing in the mud.
Your kids might like puzzles or coloring. Maybe your daughter would enjoy playing dress-up with your old clothes.
Learn that it’s okay for your kids to have fun in their way. I have tried to force my kids to have fun in a way I liked. Hint: it rarely works out.
But when I let them do what they think is fun, suddenly I am the fun mom.

Embrace the Imperfection of Having Fun With Your Kids
Have you seen those cute pictures in catalogs or on Pinterest of the adorable teepees? They’re usually colorful and perched in the corner of a spacious room. There will be some pillows perfectly arranged on the floor and books in a neat pile.
Let me tell you that a real blanket fort looks nothing like that teepee. There are quilts thrown at odd angles to cover little holes. Pillows are probably piled everywhere.
If there are books involved, they are probable being used to hold something up or down. And you’ll probably find random items–toy grenades, plastic screwdrivers and, of course, LEGO.
It’s not pretty, and it’s not something that will be popular on Pinterest. But it’s fun and it makes a lot of laughter.
Don’t set unreachable goals for having fun. If you’re stressed about trying to make it just right, it won’t be fun for anyone.
Last weekend we took a day trip to the beach. Our beach chairs need to be replaced, and we didn’t even take them with us. When we got there, we realized we I forgot to pack any towels. The water was too cold to actually get in. Then, it rained.
I’ve had visions of laying in my beach chair sunbathing while the kids build sandcastles nearby. But beach day is never like that.
And I’ve learned to accept that. On Saturday we splashed around in the water up to our knees. We found some fun seashells (which we had to leave behind, because the beach is a preserve) and piled them on tree branches. We ate sandwiches and walked along the shore.
I think I can honestly say a good time was had by all. But it wouldn’t have been fun if we’d let those little imperfections hold us back.

Let Having Fun With Your Kids be Spontaneous
If you’ve stayed at home with your kids for very long, you know about the afternoon slumps. It happens when you feel like you just might lose your mind at any moment.
That’s when it’s time (sometimes) to take matters into your own hands. For me this usually means it’s time to go somewhere.
Now, I am an introvert who follows a pretty strict budget. When I go somewhere, it’s not going to be a place where I have to interact with a lot of people, or spend a lot of money.
One of my favorite things to do, is to go to Wendy’s and get Frosties. They cost around $1 each and hit the spot for us all.
You may be able to call up a friend and meet for a playdate. Or, a quick trip to a park might be in order.
I love planning fun times for my family. Spending a day at the zoo is memorable. Sometimes we save up for a day at a museum.
But when those things aren’t possible, you can still have fun with your family.
Here are a few ideas:
- A walk or bike ride after dinner
- Family movie night in the middle of the week
- Make a favorite dessert–even something simple like sundaes
- Catch fireflies in your yard
- Read a favorite book together
Or find a favorite activity that your family loves. The main point is to do something that makes everyone laugh and enjoy themselves.
It’s All About Making Memories
The best memories often come when we don’t expect them. Don’t wait until you think you have the perfect circumstances to have fun as a family.
Let go of your expectations of what perfect family time looks like.
Stop stressing about cleaning up a mess from paint or play dough.
Enjoy the moments as the come and make memories they’ll cherish forever.

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