5 Inspiring Ways to Find Purpose as a Stay-at-Home Mom
Struggling with feeling unfulfilled in motherhood? Here’s how to find purpose as a stay-at-home mom and start living a life of joy and peace.
I watched the woman cradle the fussy baby on her shoulder. It was obvious the tiny infant had spit-up on her already dirty, wrinkled shirt. In the background, a toddler jumped on the bed from one end to the other and back again.
The mother, with her messy hair and dirty clothes, didn’t seem to notice the unmade bed, the toddler, or the piles of laundry and trash scattered around the room. She was too busy making the video ad.
Yes, this entire scene was played out on a Facebook ad that is geared towards stay-at-home moms who are at the end of their ropes and looking for some sort of fulfillment.
Since I am a stay-at-home mom (and it says so in my Facebook bio) this ad was targeted at me. Because I must be looking for some purpose as a stay-at-home mom.
And there’s no way I could actually find it in my home and children, right?
Being a stay-at-home mom can be lonely, and it’s easy to fall into a rut or experience stay-at-home mom burnout. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Embrace Being a Stay-at-Home Mom
Too often the term “stay-at-home-mom” brings up a not-great mental image. Social media would have us believe that stay-at-home moms wear messy buns and yoga pants, never have time for showers, and live for their next trip to Target while leaving the kids at home with daddy.
On the flip side, we often see perfectly curated social media feed with the stay-at-home mom who’s got it all together. Her homeschool looks peaceful and serene, her messy bun flips and flops just right, and her Bible lays artfully open beside a milky cup of coffee.
And then there are those of us who are somewhere in the middle. We long to find peace and fulfillment that goes beyond a beautiful Instagram account. We want to have a purpose that’s deeper than wandering the aisles of a cheap-chic big box store.
It is possible to feel fulfilled and peaceful as a stay-at-home when you embrace this calling God has given you. You can change your attitude and start to love being a stay-at-home mom.
Color-coordinated social media squares not required.

Mama, are you longing for a few quiet minutes with Jesus?
Grab the free printable Busy Mom’s Quiet Time Jumpstart to guide you to a peace-filled heart and home in 10 minutes a day!
Find Your Purpose as a Stay-at-Home Mom
You may be struggling to find purpose because you don’t know your true value as a stay-at-home mom. Here’s the truth: you are not just a stay-at-home mom.
God created you for a purpose, and He gave you to your husband and children. He knows you are the woman for the job.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
Galatians 2:10
You can feel fulfilled as a stay-at-home mom when you really understand this purpose is special and made just for you.
Set Realistic Expectations
Social media, television, and movies give us totally unrealistic expectations of what it means to be a stay-at-home mom. Every moment of every day doesn’t have to be scripted and fun.
It’s okay if you don’t do crafts, take nature walks or spend entire afternoons creating magical playlands out of blankets and pillows in your family room.
Life is still good if your kids eat cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and cheese quesadillas for dinner. You’re not a bad mom if your kids prefer real gummies, white rice, and refuse to eat anything that’s green.
Stay-at-home moms can end up feeling like they’re going to lose their minds because they’re putting too much on themselves. All of that extra stuff is not required.
Learn to say no to all that extra stuff, and embrace a simple life that’s filled with the things you love, and that matter to you.

Mama, are you longing for a few quiet minutes with Jesus?
Grab the free printable Busy Mom’s Quiet Time Jumpstart to guide you to a peace-filled heart and home in 10 minutes a day!
Make Time for Yourself
Mom life is a life of sacrifice and service. And most of the time it doesn’t include a lot of pampering.
There usually isn’t the time or budget for things like spa days, date nights, or mani/pedis with friends. And that’s okay. But you need some time for yourself.
It is not selfish to take some time for yourself. Sometimes it just means taking time to shower and fix your hair. When I had little kids, my husband worked nightshift, so I was alone with my babies at bedtime.
Many, many nights I took a shower with my newborn in a bouncy seat on the bathroom floor, while my toddler sat in a little chair outside the door watching a video on my phone. (Make technology your friend, Mama!)
Taking a shower every day is something that is vital to my well-being, so I found a way to make it work.
The same goes for my daily Bible reading. My day just isn’t right without it, so I make time for it every day. I used to read my Bible from the app on my phone and pray while nursing my son.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
I’m not telling you that you have to shut out your family and spend time alone. But you do need to take some time in your day to refresh and strengthen yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Get Out of Your Stay-at-Home Mom Rut
When you stay at home every day, time tends to run together. I am a person who craves routines for cleaning, getting stuff done, and making life go smoothly.
But sometimes it’s necessary to do something different. Even if you’re an introvert, you can break out of your shell (and leave your house!), and try a new thing.
Here are some little ideas to get you thinking:
- Make a coffee date with a friend
- Meet someone at the park for a play date
- Spend some time with your family (phones down!)
- Try a new hobby
You don’t have to make any big changes to your life. Just making a little change here or there can make a huge difference in helping you feel fulfilled as a stay-at-home mom.
Make Yourself Feel Pretty
Here’s the thing: feeling pretty is completely subjective and personal. Each of us has different tastes, lifestyles, and standards when it comes to feeling pretty.
In all honesty, you do you. For me, I have come to a place in my life where I don’t feel like I need to wear makeup to feel pretty when I’m staying home. But getting dressed in presentable clothes and doing something to my hair is necessary!
Every stay-at-home mom needs a wardrobe that’s comfortable and makes her feel nice. It might take time, but you can build a modest wardrobe that’s full of clothes you really love. Don’t save your nice clothes for days when you go out.
Having self-esteem and feeling good about yourself is an important part of feeling fulfilled and happy at home.
Stop Being Lazy
Laziness is a real struggle as a stay-at-home mom. Not because you don’t want to do things, but because there always seems to be time to do it later. After all, I’m not doing anything tomorrow, right?
And that procrastination can lead to not getting things done.
I struggled with this for years. I put things off, always thinking I’d just do it later. So things just kept piling up until I felt overwhelmed.
I started by creating a simple cleaning routine that gives me a starting point for what to do each day. Giving myself a task that I need to do at the same time each week made all the difference for me.
Stop giving yourself excuses for why you can’t do something, or for why you can do it later. Just get it done now. Future you will be thankful!
Find True Fulfillment in Christ
Satan is the enemy of stay-at-home moms who want to serve God. He is the one who makes you feel worthless and like you have no purpose.
As Christians, you find your purpose in Christ and in doing what He has called you to do. The devil wants you to struggle and live in survival mode every day.
But God says you can thrive. You have what you need every day when you trust Him. With His grace, you can find purpose as a stay-at-home mom, and live a life of joy and peace.
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I try to wear makeup a few times a week even though I work from home and homeschool my kids. I pull my hair back so it looks nice, and it makes a huge difference.
It surprises me how much more I seem to get done when I take the time to get dressed and fix my hair in the morning!
As a fellow stay-at-home-mom, I can really relate to this. Sometimes I forget that my children really are watching and it is my job to model the same Christ-like attitude (and even good habits like getting dressed in real clothes-lol!) that I’d want them to have. LOVE all of these tips!
I’m with you! I think we sometimes underestimate just how much they’re watching us!
“A discouraged and depressed mama cannot do this. We must have the joy of the Lord in our own hearts, before we can hope to inspire it in someone else”
Your kids can’t reap the benefits of you sacrificing everything to be a stay at home mom if you don’t understand the value of what you do!
I love your posts as always! I think you and I share a similar vision for our readers 🙂
Thank you so much!
Oh, I was a SAHM for 6 years and it was the most challenging and most wonderful experience. I would do it all over again.
It is challenging and wonderful–and I love (almost) every minute! 🙂