
31 Fun Christmas Bucket List Ideas for Families (Free Printable)

‘Tis the season to be merry and bright! The aroma of freshly baked cookies fills the air, twinkle lights adorn the streets, and laughter reverberates through the cozy living rooms. Christmas is a time for families to come together and create magical memories that will be cherished for years to come. And what better way to do that than with the ultimate Christmas bucket list? From decorating gingerbread houses to watching your favorite Christmas movie, this Christmas bucket list printable is filled with 31 fun family activities that will add an extra sprinkle of joy to your holiday season. 

So gather around the fire, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Christmas festivities!

family outside at Christmas

31 Christmas Activities for Kids

The most important thing to remember when it comes to Christmas activities for kids is to keep it simple. We sometimes think we need to go over the top and plan complicated outings.

But our kids often just cherish the little things we do together. Some favorite Christmas memories might include baking cookies, driving to look at Christmas lights, and sleeping on the floor around the Christmas tree.

Here are some great ideas to start new holiday traditions and spread some Christmas cheer. 

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    Create Homemade Ornaments

    Engage the whole family in a fun and creative activity by making homemade ornaments. Use everything from salt dough to glitter and paint to craft your festive adornments. Not only is this a fun way to spend an afternoon, but the ornaments will serve as cherished keepsakes in the years to come.

    Host a Christmas Movie Night

    Designate an evening for a family Christmas movie marathon. Make sure to have plenty of snacks on hand, including popcorn and themed Christmas cookies. Have each family member choose their favorite holiday movies to add to the line-up.

    A few favorites include:

    • Polar Express
    • It’s a Wonderful Life
    • White Christmas
    • A Charlie Brown Christmas
    • Frosty the Snowman

    Related: 40+ Best Christian Christmas Movies for Kids in 2023

    Participate in a Local Charity Event

    The holiday season is a wonderful time to give back to your community. Find a local charity event, such as a toy drive or food bank, and participate as a family. This will be a rewarding experience. Involving everyone in family service projects will also teach your children the importance of kindness and giving during the holiday season.

    child making a gingerbread house

    Build a Gingerbread House

    Get creative in the kitchen and build your own gingerbread house. You can either use a store-bought kit or make a graham cracker house, using icing, and candy decorations. This is a great activity to do with kids of all ages.

    Go Ice Skating

    Take advantage of the winter weather and hit the ice rink with your family. Whether you’re a pro or a beginner, ice skating is a fun and festive activity that everyone can enjoy.

    Drive Around to See Christmas Lights

    Load up the car with blankets and hot cocoa and take a drive around your neighborhood to admire all the beautiful Christmas lights. You can even make a game out of it by trying to spot the most elaborate or unique displays.

    Make Homemade Hot Cocoa

    Put a twist on your usual hot cocoa routine by making your own from scratch. You can experiment with different flavors such as peppermint or salted caramel, and top it off with whipped cream and marshmallows. Make a hot chocolate bar and let everyone add their favorite toppings.

    hot chocolate bar

    Have a Gift Wrapping Party 

    Turn the mundane task of gift wrapping into a fun family event. Put on some holiday music, set up a wrapping station with all the necessary supplies, and challenge each other to create the most beautifully wrapped presents.

    Decorate Christmas Cookies

    Get the whole family involved in decorating Christmas cookies. You can use pre-made sugar cookie dough or make your own from scratch. Have fun with different shapes, colors, and decorations.

    Make Christmas Cards

    Get crafty and make your own Christmas cards to send out to family and friends. You can use materials such as construction paper, glitter, and stickers to create unique and personalized cards.

    Read Christmas Books

    Gather around the fireplace and cozy up with some classic Christmas books such as “A Christmas Carol” or “The Night Before Christmas”. You can even take turns reading aloud to each other. 

    Related: 25+ Heartwarming Christian Christmas Books for Kids

    Have a Secret Santa

    Instead of buying gifts for everyone in the family, have a Secret Santa gift exchange. Draw names out of a hat and set a budget for each person to buy one thoughtful gift. 

    Build a Snowman

    Building a snowman is one of the most classic Christmas activities for kids there is. It’s perfect for kids of all ages and is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face.

    If you’re like me and live in an area where it never snows, make a fun snowman craft!

    Do an Advent Calendar Together

    Countdown to Christmas with an advent calendar. You can buy a pre-made one or make your own using small gifts or activities for each day. There are many different styles of Advent calendars, so you’re sure to find one that fits your family!

    Here are few fun ones to check out:

    Decorate the Christmas Tree

    Make decorating the Christmas tree a family tradition. Put on some festive music, sip hot cocoa, and reminisce as you hang up special ornaments and memories.

    Go Christmas Caroling.

    Caroling is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit! Gather your family and friends together and walk around your neighborhood singing Christmas carols. You can even bring along some holiday treats to give to your neighbors.

    It’s also a wonderful act of service to perform for sick people or shut-ins from your church. You may even be able to visit a local retirement or nursing home to carol the residents.

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      Attend a Christmas Concert

      Spread some holiday cheer by attending a Christmas concert or musical performance. Many schools and local organizations put on festive shows during the holiday season.

      Do Random Acts of Kindness

      Spread the spirit of giving by doing random acts of kindness as a family. This can be as simple as shoveling a neighbor’s driveway or donating toys to a children’s hospital. Challenge yourself to do one random act of kindness each day until Christmas Eve. 

      Sleep Around the Christmas Tree

      Take your family movie night to the next level by setting up a sleepover around the Christmas tree. You can watch holiday movies, play games, and even make s’mores.

      Make Personalized Gifts for Family and Friends

      One of the best things about Christmas is giving presents to our loved ones, so why not involve your kids in the gift-giving process this year? Brainstorm together about what each family member or friend might like, and then help them make or select personalized gifts that will really show how much you care.

      Wear an Ugly Sweater

      Ugly Christmas sweaters are all the rage during the holiday season. Have a family competition to see who can find and wear the ugliest sweater. Or, buy some cheap sweatshirts and craft supplies and let everyone make their own. Be prepared for lots of laughs!

      Have a Christmas Game Night

      Start a new tradition and host a family game night. A few fun ideas include:

      Playing games is a wonderful way to bring your whole family together for laughs–no screens required!

      Bake Holiday Treats

      Gather in the kitchen and bake some festive treats together. You can even package them up as gifts for friends and family. Let everyone choose their favorite recipes and make a night of it!

      Visit a Live Nativity

      Experience the true meaning of Christmas by attending a live nativity. Many churches and communities put on these special events where you can see the story of Jesus’ birth come to life.

      Host a Cookie Exchange

      Invite friends and family over for a cookie exchange. Each person can bring a batch of their favorite holiday cookies to share with everyone.

      Go Christmas Camping

      If you live in a warmer climate, consider going Christmas camping. You can decorate your campsite with lights and enjoy the outdoors while still celebrating the holiday. If camping isn’t your thing, or it’s too cold, try using a tabletop firepit to make s’mores indoors! 

      Participate in a Giving Tree

      Many organizations have giving trees during the holidays where you can pick a tag with a child’s name and gift wish. This is a great way to teach children the importance of giving back.

      Create a Christmas Scavenger Hunt

      Make a list of holiday-themed items for your family to find around your neighborhood or in your home. This is a great way to get outside and enjoy some fresh air while still having fun.

      Give Gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas

      Instead of giving one large gift, consider spreading out the holiday spirit by giving a small gift each day for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. Or, give small gifts like candy, little toys or gift cards each day. It’s a fun tradition that makes Christmas last for the whole month of December!

      Related: Unique 12 Days of Christmas Gift Ideas: Bring the Song to Life

      Donate to a Toy Drive

      Spread joy to children in need by donating to a toy drive. This is a great way to make a difference and bring happiness to those who are less fortunate.

      kids reading at Christmas

      Read the Christmas Story Together

      Take time to read the story of Jesus’ birth together as a family. This is a great way to remember the true meaning of Christmas and reflect on its significance. 

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        Download Your Free Printable Christmas Bucket List

        As we embrace the joy and magic of this “most wonderful time of the year,” let’s remember to prioritize the creation of special memories with our loved ones. 

        Each moment spent together, each shared laughter, and each new experience makes lasting memories of a magical season. 

        These fun activities provide endless opportunities to make this year’s holiday season the most memorable yet. Being together is the best part of the Christmas season. Having your own bucket list is the perfect way to create a favorite Christmas tradition in your family. 

        Download our free printable Christmas bucket list. It’s packed full of fun and heartwarming activities to help your family make a truly memorable Christmas.

        Merry Christmas!

        More Christmas Fun for Families

        Check out these posts with more Christmas ideas for kids and families!

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