Book Review: Create Anyway by Ashlee Gadd
Motherhood is busy. We spend our days giving and taking care of our families, and any time spend doing something “unproductive” is considered a waste of time. In her book Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood, Ashlee Gadd gives us a totally new perspective.

As someone who loves pretty things and making pretty things, I have struggled with making time for creative pursuits in the past. Taking time to sew or cross stitch or write made me feel guilty because I should be playing with my kids. Right?
But Ashlee presents creativity in such a way that I’ve totally changed my perspective! Here’s the truth: our God is a creative God, and He made us in His image. Creativity isn’t a waste of time. It’s using the gifts God gave me to bring glory to Him.
Have you ever taken a walk in nature and seen a beautiful flower or tree? Have you ever looked up at the sky and saw a gorgeous sunset on the horizon?
None of those things are necessary for life. But God created those beautiful things because He likes to look at them.
So, when you are creating something–whether it’s adorable cupcakes, a colorful quilt or a simple poem, you are mirroring God’s creativity in your own life.
I know, it’s mind-blowing, right?
Create Anyway Review
Create Anyway is a beautiful book in so many ways. The pages are full of photography and artwork from Ashlee Gadd and other women creators. You’ll see women who paint, cook, sew, weave, and more.
And these women do it for the glory of God. What an amazing thought!
The book also gives moms permission to pursue the creative desires that God has given them. If you feel like your talents are wasted because you aren’t using them to earn money–you’re wrong! Creating just for the sake of creating is a way to honor God!
Ashlee also includes tips and encouragement for involving your kids and just doing it, even when you don’t feel like it.
I really wasn’t sure what to expect when I started reading Create Anyway. But, honestly, I was blown away.
I feel like now I can understand that my desire to make beautiful things is a gift from God. I used to feel like I needed to sell my projects to justify the time and energy I spend making them.
But Ashlee has totally changed my perspective.
If you’re a mom with young kids (or even older kids) and feel like you don’t have the time, energy or space to create, or if you feel like you’re just not good enough, you need to read Create Anyway.
It’s so encouraging and uplifting. I think you’ll end up seeing yourself and your creative gifts in a whole new way. You don’t know what you’re capable of, and you’ll never know until you actually do something!
This book also makes a perfect gift for moms who love to make–whether she’s a baker, writer, photographer, artist, or something else. It’s a life-changer!