What to Read: Lies Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Y’all know that I don’t consider very many books to be life-changing.  So, when I say a book is life-changing, you should sit up and take notice!  Lies Women Believe is one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read, and it has honestly changed the way I look at nearly everything in my life.

I first learned about this book when we started working through it in our Ladies’ Sunday School class.  Honestly, it was the first time in my life when I realized that I’m not the only one who struggles in certain areas.  It was eye-opening for me, and freeing to realize that I am not alone, and that there is a way out.

Have you ever thought or believed any of these things?

  • God is not really good.
  • God doesn’t love me.
  • I’m not worth anything.
  • I need to love myself more.
  • My sin isn’t really that bad.
  • I can thrive without consistent time in the Word and prayer.
  • God’s standards for sex are out of date.
  • It’s my job to change my mate.
  • There’s no hope for my marriage.
  • If I submit to my husband, I’ll be miserable.
  • I can’t control/can control the way my children turn out.
  • I can’t control my emotions.
  • If my circumstances were different, I’d be different.
  • It’s all about me.

And the list goes on.  These are just a few of the 45 lies listed in the book.  At first glance you may think that you don’t really believe any of those things.  “God isn’t good?” Really?  But as Nancy states, sometimes we live like we believe the lie, even if we say we don’t.

It all begins with the first lie–Satan to Eve in the Garden of Eden.  The book progresses with pages from Eve’s fictional journal, detailing how hard their lives became after they were thrown out of the garden and separated from God.  That one lie led to a lifetime of lies that Satan tells us, and, somehow, we keep falling for them over and over again.

Chapters in this book include:

  • Lies women believe about God
  • Lies women believe about themselves
  • Lies women believe about sin
  • Lies women believe about priorities
  • Lies women believe about sexuality
  • Lies women believe about marriage
  • Lies women believe about children
  • Lies women believe about emotions
  • Lies women believe about circumstances

I have not finished this whole book yet.  I’m reworking my way through it slowly, reading the Scriptures and taking it all in.  So far, I’ve found that I have believed most of these lies at least once in my life–and some I believe nearly daily.  But each lie is countered with the truth, and it comes directly from Scripture.

I’m not going to tell you that you will love everything Nancy says.  In fact, some of it may rub you slightly the wrong way.  But, every single point in this book comes from the Bible, so you really can’t argue with it.  The one fault I find here is the author’s failure to use the King James Bible for all of her references.  It’s another reason why I look up nearly all the verses myself.  The point is still made, and so far all of the verses still line up with truth, but I’d rather be reading them from the right Bible!

While reading and studying through this book, I decided to start memorizing Scripture to fill my mind with truth, and have it available whenever I need it. 

While I love the original Lies Women Believe book, the updated and expanded edition is definitely worth waiting for!  There are whole new chapters, and more stories and examples that the author has collected through the years.  The testimonies are my favorite part, as I read how God has set other women free from the bondage of Satan’s lies.

If you want to break free from the lies of Satan, and live in the freedom of God’s grace, I highly recommend Lies Women Believe–and the Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for this review.  All opinions are my own, and a favorable review was not required.  This post contains affiliate links. 

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