
My Top Ten Favorite Bible Stories

I was reading a book last week (If You Only Knew by Jamie Ivey), and the author gave a list of her top ten favorite stories in the Bible.  What a great idea!  The Bible is full of amazing stories, but I think we’re all drawn to a few in particular for whatever reason.  I decided to make my own list of Bible stories I love to read.  I had a lot of fun making this list, and I have to admit, it was hard to narrow it down to ten!

I didn’t mean for my list to be all stories of women, but when the list started heading that way, I decided to go with that.  I was amazed at how many great stories there are about women in the Bible!  Sometimes we think of the Bible as being full of stories about men, but that just isn’t true!  The women on this list are truly heroines, stepping up when needed to fulfill their God-given rolls in history.  A woman doesn’t have to sit and knit socks all day to be what God wants her to be!  Check out these stories for proof:

  1. Rachel & Leah.  (Genesis 29-30)  I have always loved this story, but it has recently become even more special to me.  I read a book (Why Her? by Nikki Koziarz) that studied the story in light of their relationship, and it took on a whole new meaning.  These two sisters were in competition for most of their lives–competing for their husband’s love, trying to have the most children, be the most beautiful, etc.  But, through all of their fighting and comparing, God had a plan for their sons, and the future of His kingdom.  Sure, their situation was far from ideal, but how much better it could have been if they had chosen to work together instead of constantly fighting!
  2. Rahab. (Joshua 2 & Joshua 6)  I don’t know of many women who were more brave that Rahab.  Even though she was a harlot, she displayed great faith when she helped the spies, believing their God was more powerful than the men of her city.  Her faith, bravery and wisdom earned her a place in the lineage of Jesus (Matthew 1:5), as well as spot in the “Hall of Fame of Faith” in Hebrews 11:31.
  3. Deborah and Jael.  (Judges 4)  I love this story of two women used by God because no men would step up!  Deborah asked Barak if God had told him to go to battle against General Sisera.  He said, “If thou wilt go with me, then I will go…” (Judges 4:8)  Because of his cowardice, God told Barak that Sisera would be conquered by a woman.  Deborah went into battle with him, and, although the army of the Israelites drove away Sisera and his men, the ultimate victory belonged to Jael, a Kenite woman.  God used two women to save the Israelites from bondage.
  4. Ruth.  Every woman’s heart is touched by the story of Ruth.  Even though she was widowed at a young age, she remained loyal to her mother-in-law, and followed her back to her homeland.  God rewarded her loyalty and faith by giving her a new husband, and she, too, has a place in the lineage of Jesus.
  5. Esther.  A beautiful orphan becomes queen, keeping her lineage secret until she is needed to save her people from certain death?  Yep, it sounds like something out of a novel…but it’s not!  I think the story of Esther must be on every woman’s favorite list!
  6. Abigail. (I Samuel 25:2-42)  Although she may be a minor character in the Bible, I think Abigail’s story is incredible.  Her husband, Nabal, refused to show any kindness to David and his men, who had shown kindness to Nabal’s sheep shearers.  David and his men were so angry at his rudeness, and they were coming to kill Nabal and take what they needed.  But Abigail, with grace and wisdom saved the day.
  7. The birth of Jesus.  (Luke 2)  I memorized the Christmas story from Luke 2 when I was in school.  I never get tired of reading or hearing it.  Since I became a mother myself, the story means even more to me as I think about all that happened, and what Mary must have thought and felt during that time.
  8. The wedding at Cana.  (John 2:1-11)  Jesus did so many miracles while he was on the earth, and it’s easy to overlook his first one.  No lives were saved, no sick people were healed and no dead people were raised.  It seems that the only reason Jesus did this miracle was because His mother asked Him to.  I like to see this little peek at how Jesus cared about little things in people’s lives.
  9. Mary and Martha.  (Luke 10:38-42)  I love stories about sisters.  Maybe it’s because I have a sister, and we are about as different as Mary and Martha!  I have to say, I have been able to relate to each of these women at different times in my life.  There have been times when I was probably too busy worrying about things that didn’t matter, while other times I have just sat to soak up what Jesus had for me.  Although, I have to say, if Jesus was eating lunch at my house, I doubt I’d be able to sit down, either!
  10. Mary anointing Jesus’ feet.  (Matthew 26:7-13)  When Mary came to anoint Jesus’ feet a few days before His death, it was a beautiful picture of preparing His body for death.  I’ve read Mary knew Jesus would rise from the dead, and so she did this because she knew she wouldn’t need to anoint Him then.  I don’t know if this is true, but I do know that Jesus said wherever the Gospel is preached, this story would be told of her.  There’s not much better than hearing Jesus say that.

There are so many other great stories about women in the Bible, that I couldn’t include in my top ten.  Sarah, Jochabed, Miriam, Tamar (Judah’s daughter-in-law), Bathsheba, Elisabeth, Priscilla, Dorcas, and others–many who aren’t even called by name.  All women who made a difference in their world, and many of them in eternity.

What struck me the most about all these stories, is that these women were all doing something.  Not one of them was sitting at home, just waiting for something to happen.  They were working, they were preparing, they were doing whatever it took to be ready when God wanted to use them.  These women displayed bravery, loyalty, wisdom, grace, love and a host of other attributes.  But the most important lesson I learned here, was action.  Don’t give up.  A woman can make an impact.  God doesn’t use only men, but anyone who is committed to doing His will.

Do you have a favorite Bible story?  Or a list?  I’d love to hear them!  Drop me a comment below!


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