Prayer Journal



Organize your prayer life and grow your faith with the printable Abide Prayer Journal.

When I was a little girl, I heard a favorite preacher talk about what a great woman his wife was. She wasn’t in the forefront, preaching like him. But he credited her for much of his success, because she was a woman of prayer. 

Even though I was young, I knew that one day I, too, wanted to be a true prayer warrior. 

Fast forward a few years and add in a husband, children and a home to care for. I wanted so much to able to pray for the many requests I heard at church, or saw on social media, or through friends and neighbors.

But I often forgot them, or ended up dozing off during my morning quiet time. 

I still longed for a deeper, more meaningful prayer time, and I wanted to see God answer my prayers.

I started writing a prayer list, and it changed my life. Over time I added to my list, and started including answered prayers, special needs, Bible verses to remember and things I wanted to be grateful for.

abide prayer journal

And the Abide Prayer Journal was born. 

The printable Abide Prayer Journal has 20 pages dedicated to helping busy moms pray focused, meaningful prayers every day. It’s a simple system, but it keeps you engaged, awake and focused, so you can make the most of your prayer time, even if it’s just a few minutes early in the morning.

Here’s what you get:

  •  The Master Prayer List
  • Special Needs page
  • Gratitude Tracker
  • Bible Verses to Read and Write
  • Daily Prayer List for every day of the week
  • Prayer List Categories
  • “Abiding” page for journaling or written prayers
  • Create Your Own Bible Verse Cards 
Mama, you do have time to pray! You can use the Abide journal to pray daily, whether you’re on your knees, sitting at your table with a cup of coffee, or nursing a newborn. All you need is a plan, and dedication to follow through. 

Get it today for only $9!

I want it!

*This is a digital product. Nothing will be mailed to you. 

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