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Kids | Kids Activities | Prayer | Sunday School Lessons

How to Effectively Pray the ABC of Salvation Prayer with Kids

Salvation is a beautiful, life-changing experience. And it’s not just for adults! God offers the gift of salvation to everyone–and it’s simple enough for a child to understand! If you have the marvelous opportunity to share the plan of salvation with a child, you can use the ABC of salvation prayer to help them understand…

little girl washing dishes
Homemaking | Kids | Kids Activities | Planning and Routines

25+ Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids (That Save Mom’s Sanity!)

Raising kids with a good work ethic means starting while they’re young. These 25+ age-appropriate chores for kids will help your kids understand the value of hard work. Plus, when kids do chores, that means less for mom–it’s a win-win! I was raised by a single dad, so I had to learn how to do…

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