woman and two children planting a resurrection garden on the patio
Easter | Holidays | Kids Activities

Resurrection Garden Craft: A Meaningful Easter Activity for Families

This Resurrection garden craft is the perfect way to bring the Easter story to life for your kids in a meaningful way! Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead is an important aspect of our Christian faith. It’s the greatest miracle ever performed, and it reminds us of God’s love for us. It’s a powerful story that…

child praying in front of a window
Kids | Kids Activities | Prayer | Sunday School Lessons

How to Effectively Pray the ABC of Salvation Prayer with Kids

Salvation is a beautiful, life-changing experience. And it’s not just for adults! God offers the gift of salvation to everyone–and it’s simple enough for a child to understand! If you have the marvelous opportunity to share the plan of salvation with a child, you can use the ABC of salvation prayer to help them understand…

little girl washing dishes
Homemaking | Kids | Kids Activities | Planning and Routines

25+ Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids (That Save Mom’s Sanity!)

Raising kids with a good work ethic means starting while they’re young. These 25+ age-appropriate chores for kids will help your kids understand the value of hard work. Plus, when kids do chores, that means less for mom–it’s a win-win! I was raised by a single dad, so I had to learn how to do…

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